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Worth subscribing to
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Unknown | Report | 8 Feb 2004 23:31 |
I must agree with you pam, I have only found 2 people not on BMD and that was only due to transcript errors that I checked by viewing the origials. The price that they advertise is not what you pay either because in the small print you find out that there is Taxes to pay on top. I was lucky I used hubbys credit card!! |
Jackie | Report | 8 Feb 2004 23:11 |
That's it!!!! I've decided that my money will be better spent on that long list of certificates! Thank-you everyone for your advice. Jackie |
Pam | Report | 8 Feb 2004 23:03 |
Jackie, I have a three month subscription to Ancestry UK and will not be renewing it. I joined hoping to find a relative that has been eluding me for months with no success. Apart from the 1891 and promised 1871 census, there is nothing on the site that warrents a fee of £32+ for three months. I have found more entries on FreeBMD than I have on Ancestry. Take the free trial if you can and make your own mind up, I wish I had! Pam |
Jackie | Report | 8 Feb 2004 21:40 |
Sue -how did you sign up? Just tried for 2 weeks free trial but it says you sign for 12 months if you decide to continue, with monthly instalments. Jackie |
Unknown | Report | 8 Feb 2004 21:21 |
I ahve joined the U.K site for 3 Monthes as a trial so that if I don't like it I don't lose so much money. I think does a pay monthly basis. I don't think they advertise it very much because they want you to sign up for a year. |
Jackie | Report | 8 Feb 2004 21:14 |
i've even put it all together in 2 enormous files(one his, one mine) in chronological order with photographs, maps, certificates etc - even impressed myself!!! It's the only way to get attention -especially when I shove them under my childre's noses!! This is your heritage, I scream!!!!!! Jackie |
Naomi in SW | Report | 8 Feb 2004 21:05 |
Sorry Jackie, I don't know because I refuse to pay more. Thinking of it though I think it's UK but mainly the London Times. I know what you mean about getting no help. I'm starting to get used to people's eyes glazing over. lol Naomi |
Cazziemc | Report | 8 Feb 2004 21:05 |
Jackie, why don't you try the 2 week free trial first and see what you think? Best wishes Carol |
Cazziemc | Report | 8 Feb 2004 21:04 |
Jackie, why don't you try the 2 week free trial first and see what you think? Best wishes Carol |
Jackie | Report | 8 Feb 2004 21:01 |
Not really- rather lonely fanatic!! They all look and say, you've done so well -amazing isn't it. That's about as far as help and support goes!!! Do you get uK newspaper articles, or are they just US? Jackie |
Naomi in SW | Report | 8 Feb 2004 20:56 |
I think I've really found most of what I need on there to be honest. Have you got anyone you can share a subscription with? That can help too. Naomi |
Jackie | Report | 8 Feb 2004 20:54 |
Yes, Naomi -this is what put me off. I gather you are not considering re-subscribing? Jackie |
Naomi in SW | Report | 8 Feb 2004 20:51 |
Hi Jackie, I have subscription to The problems I have are 1) most of the transcribed BMD's can be found on FreeBMD anyway. 2) 1871 census limited to Middlesex only so far. 3) If you want to look at newspaper bits etc then they ask you to pay more. It might be worth it for the 1891 census but it does depend on how many people you are realisticaly going to be looking for. Also the subscription rolls over and they don't remind you so you have to remember to cancel it. Naomi |
Jackie | Report | 8 Feb 2004 20:40 |
I have been mulling over the idea of subscribing to for several months, even got as far as filling in their subscription box, only to have second thoughts before pressing that button which whips the cash from your bank account! Please can subscribers tell me how useful they actually find the site as can access births, marriages and deaths easier than on free bmd as a guest. How complete are the 1871/1891 census records on the site and do you regularly get your money's worth -it is expensive. Should I press that button or not? Jackie (UK user/reasearch, though may shortly be researching US relatives) |