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how do you do it ?

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Unknown Report 14 Feb 2004 11:13

Can someone tell me how to change your "display name" ? Do you simply change the surname on the profile ?


Unknown Report 14 Feb 2004 11:17

Thanks... like this ? (hopefully lol)


Unknown Report 14 Feb 2004 11:39

only if you want to lol


Sheila Report 14 Feb 2004 11:44

You could of started something now Paul, there could be a rush to think up somethink new and exciting- p.s. does anyone know why my name contantly shows up in black type, dont think its because im abroad as several other members are and there names still come up in green.

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 14 Feb 2004 11:47

Sheila Your name shows in black because it's you, i.e everyone who looks at there message is in black, mine will be to me when I look at my reply. Does that make sense? Lynda


Sheila Report 14 Feb 2004 12:26

Thanks a lot lynda, you learn something new everday, does this also apply to your entries of the message board, as i was always thinking my name stook out like a sore thumb.

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 14 Feb 2004 12:38

Sheila Yes it's the same on all the boards. I know what you mean about it looks like your name jumps out at you doesn't it? I suppose it makes it easier to find the messages you have replied to. Linda Don't know how old you are, but I think the name is very 50's. I was in a class of 6 Linda's, but I was the only one spelt with a y. Lynda


Janice Report 14 Feb 2004 13:00

Other people's names are in green because they are links. You don't need a link to yourself!

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 14 Feb 2004 13:09

Linda I was referred to at school as Linda with a Y, so I think of myself as that. I don't get annoyed when people spell it wrong, but sometimes I want to say put a y there! I have no idea why it was spelt with a y, my Mum said it was because my Dad couldn't spell very well and he registered me, don't believe that one. It was useful at school when I saw the name written, because I knew it was mine. I wonder why it was so common then. I only ever met one lady who was about 20 years older, who had the name.It seems all Li(y)nda's seem to be about the same age(ish) Have you found that? Lynda


Sheila Report 14 Feb 2004 13:33

Thanks Janice, I guess its obvious when you think it through, but it also help when people confirm it. Linda and Lynda, I know several Lindas all born roughly late 50s or early 60s, however if i saw the name lynda i would probably assume the person to be younger.........maybe your dad could spell the name but decided to plump for some thing a bit different, think of it this way if anyone in the future decided to search for your birth records it may make it a little easier.

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 14 Feb 2004 13:42

Sheila Does this mean I must look younger! Hope so. I was born in the early 50's by the way Lynda


Sheila Report 14 Feb 2004 14:04

Hi Lynda, Oh would nt that be great i think id change my name to something like Jade, how to loose 40 years in 5 seconds, seriously though names do change with fashions my husband was called leigh 46 years ago, after vivian leigh and this was an unusual name then however, leigh , lee, lea are all very popular now and its quite common,the only way to dirfferentuate the name being the spelling e.g. linda lnyda. When my oldest daughter was born we called her Vikki not Victoria, alrhough everyone presumes this an abbreviation this is what is on her birth certificate the reason for this at the time being everyone abrreviates peoples name and it is only when there normally annoyed you get the full name i am sure you expereinced this when you parents spoke to you normally you where lin, when you were in trouble its LINDA......i know i did

Lynda ~

Lynda ~ Report 14 Feb 2004 14:29

Sheila How true,You always use the full version of the name when your angry don't you? I expect thats for impact. Lynda