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Yet another problem

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Pat Kendrick

Pat Kendrick Report 21 Feb 2004 16:00

I have visited Rootsweb and found on the message board an appeal for info on one of my family members. It wa sposted January 2000. I have replied on the site but thought 4 years is a long time to look for a reply, so as there was an E-mail address thought I would send an E-mail to him. It is a address (so is mine) typed the E-mail saying I could help with the information required on many ancestors but I could not send it. Have tried 6 times. Any ideas anyone? I really would like to help him


krimpers Report 21 Feb 2004 23:11

nudge for patricia for someone to help


Gerry Report 22 Feb 2004 00:48

Hi Do you have name of person or just email address. If you have name could then try "trying to find" friends reunited etc. There are also some sites with email addresses but they rely on people registering with them. Your contact could be on hols or computer broken - faint possibility, but you never know.


Gerry Report 22 Feb 2004 00:51

Another thought. You could write to the site and ask them to pass your note on to last known address, if they have it from his registration. gerry

Pat Kendrick

Pat Kendrick Report 22 Feb 2004 08:19

I have contacted rootsweb and told them of the problem. Their help desk got back to me and said they did not have an updated E-mail addresss. I followed the advice sent by E-mail from someone on this site and typed into google"Jurgen Fellows" quite a few sites came up with his name he appears to be looking for German relatives as well. He gives the same E-mail address I can only assume he gave up his account with hotmail or changed it. His postings were for January 2000 and January 2001. When you think of how we all struggle for information on families it is very frustrating when you have loads of info to give to someone but cannot reach them. I will follow Gerry's advice and recontact Rootsweb for an address. Thank you for all your help, what would I do without you all!


Crista Report 22 Feb 2004 08:36

Patricia, There's a Jurgen Fellows listed on Friends Reunited. Crista


Barbara Report 22 Feb 2004 10:14

The sad thing is ther person could have passed away in the intervening years. I was given a letter written by someone who had tons of information relating to my tree. Unfortunately the letter had been written in the 1980's I wrote to the address and had a reply, but sadly the gentleman had only recently passed away. In fact all his research was in the garage but as he lived the other side of the country I was unable to take up the kind offer to go and root through his papers. But, don't give up, you never know that person may just go back and visit the board and see your message - you did leave one on there didn't you? Barbara

Pat Kendrick

Pat Kendrick Report 22 Feb 2004 14:20

Thanks Crista I will visit friends reunited and yes Barbara I did leave a message. What very bad luck you had with all that info lost. Good hunting and thanks for your help


Sharon Report 22 Feb 2004 14:45

Give it time and you may be lucky.I found myself in a similar situation. I found someone researching the same line, with their email address given on various websites. Yet everytime I tried to contact her the mails came back as the address no longer existed. However through GC that person made contact with me! (Hi Ann, haven't forgotten the files I promised you ;-) I now have approx 200 years of ancestors I can pass on to this person :-) keeping my fingers crossed for you best wishes Sharon

Pat Kendrick

Pat Kendrick Report 22 Feb 2004 16:45

Sharon Thank you for the encouragment, I will keep trying


Crista Report 22 Feb 2004 20:01

Patricia, You could always look for him on the current electoral register too. Crista


Sheila Report 22 Feb 2004 21:51

If he is the same person that is on friends re-united then you will have an area try b4usearc(.) or bt(.)com may possibly give you an address of phone no and maybe you could drop him a line, asking if he is the same person and has he got a new e.mail address. best of luck sheila

Pat Kendrick

Pat Kendrick Report 23 Feb 2004 18:25

Yet once again thanks to all of you for your invaluable help FOUND HIM THANKS TO YOU