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GRO is anyone experiencing delays?

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Linda Report 13 Mar 2004 21:27

I ordered a marriage cert. on 1/3/04 as we are going to the ancestors area on tues/wed 16th/17th and hope it would give us the next lead in advance. Thought I was being organized by ordering 2wks in advance. Still hasn't arrived what's the betting it comes tues/wed after we've gone!! Lynn


Jackie Report 13 Mar 2004 12:45

I'e given up with the GRO -too impatient. I now try to order as many as I can either by telephoning the Register Office direct or writing to the register office. If they can't (or won't do it over the phone) they are always really polite and helpful and will look up any queries you have. If you send a sae it comes within days -sometimes by return post!!!!!!!!!! (I always use 1st class -can't wait for 2nd in my frenzy) Jackie


Debs Report 13 Mar 2004 10:19

After 2 weeks of waiting I finally have my great grandmother's death certificate. It was well worth the wait as I now know that she was definitely murdered and even the culprit's name is on the death certificate. One mystery solved. A little tip - if ordering more than one cert send for them separately rather than a bulk order. I have found this is marginally quicker. Happy hunting everyone. Debbie


Joan Report 13 Mar 2004 09:03

If you live in UK you can get your certs from the local (to the record you want) office by post. Mine come by return. Any records office will tell you on the phone which is the office you want and give you the phone number and even address....much less frustating and only a couple of stamps more expensive. Joan


Christina Report 13 Mar 2004 06:14

Mine are getting to Australia much quicker, before Xmas it was three weeks from order date, now its two weeks.


George Report 12 Mar 2004 20:23

your worrying me now, i ordered a cert at the weekend, supposed to have been despatched today and here i was hoping it would come tomorrow or monday!


Mary Report 12 Mar 2004 19:53

Got mine today ordered feb 25th but about 11-30pm Mary


Irene Report 12 Mar 2004 19:25

I have had the same nearly two weeking of waiting, oh the excitement when I see the postie, and then the gloom because its only bills or junk mail. This has only been since they have 1837 on line so must be lots of people ordering certificates, once the main rush is over I expect it will be back to normal. Well I hope anyway. Last year when I was going to London I would order on the Friday and receive a copy the next Friday or Sat. But two weeks is still not bad seeing as I can order as soon as I find anything, before I would wait until I was in London and that was anything up to 3 weeks. Gives us a chance to get some housework done before the next lot of names need looking up. You know, what we try not to do to often because we are sitting at our computers. What would we do in a power cut. Have fun Irene

Elizabeth A

Elizabeth A Report 12 Mar 2004 13:51

Have heard that it is 8 working days until posting. A friend went to the FRC on Wed 10th March, and was told they would be posted out after 8 working days. Delays occuring. Liz


Zoe Report 12 Mar 2004 13:46

brian - thats madness!!! I'm obsessive with them. I even keep notes on the fridge of who I'm expexting and when (makes it look like I have a fantastic social life) e.g. Richard and Mary Ann's wedding - next tuesday.


BrianW Report 12 Mar 2004 13:45

I am waiting for one ordered online. Must be about 3 weeks now. Didn't note the reference and can't remember off-hand which person it was for! LOL


Rosi Report 12 Mar 2004 12:12

Mine arrived today - about 9 days later than expected. I was hard put to it not to snatch the envelope from posties hands!. Only one of the four was 'duff', and even that might turn out to be good as it is a 'Kearns' in Bermondsey which is the right area. And I have at least one new name to explore and to put in my tree. Woohoo! Rosi


Gillian Report 12 Mar 2004 11:08

Don't worry yet. I received a certificate yesterday that was ordered 23 Feb. What surprised me was that it was typed - is this what we are to expect in the future?


Rosemary Report 12 Mar 2004 11:06

There are delays at the moment and they do warn about this on their website. It is taking about a fortnight for certificates to arrive. Rosemary(Essex)


Jenny Report 12 Mar 2004 10:58

I orderes 4 certificates on 29/2 and they still haven't come. I snayone else xperiencing delays or should I start getting worried.