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war dead

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Helen in Kent

Helen in Kent Report 14 Mar 2004 18:58

Maz, just getting my boots on! Two people in my tree refuse to be found so will be traversing the country looking for them. As ever, thanks for your help and your humour!

Helen in Kent

Helen in Kent Report 14 Mar 2004 18:56

Hi everyone, William, my husband spent last Saturday evening with mates at the Menin gate. They went on a (boozy) weekend but were very touched by the war graves. Unfortunately I had nowhere concrete to send them! Keith, George Pegg!!!!!!!! or, by mother's second marriage, George Bailey, born 1887, mother Ellen Bailey, father Alfred Pegg (deceased), stepfather John Bailey, address 50 Rivett Street Derby, (The Sir Henry Wilmott Arms Pub.) Gary, have emailed Terry. Blooming George is a blooming Derby boy. Owe you a drink in April???


Kathleen Report 14 Mar 2004 00:38

Those who died at sea, members of the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy are on the CWGC site. In the case of Merchant Seamen it lists as Cemetery: The Tower Hill Memorial and Grave: the panel number on which the name appears. Kathleen


Keith Report 13 Mar 2004 23:02

Hi Garry. It is possible that War Dead may not be on the CWGC site if for example they died at sea or have no known grave. Certainly Air Force dead who have no known grave are on the Runnymede Memorial and that is on the CWGC. Hello Helen. Remind me of the name of your soldier and we can have another look. Regards. Keith


krimpers Report 13 Mar 2004 22:50

no i dont think all the people who died giving us our freedom is listed on the site as i have an uncle who is on the moray role of honour and the regiment he served with but i cant find his grave or where he died isabel


Gary Report 13 Mar 2004 22:47

i was only quoating what Terry Reeves had said "that not all war dead are on the war graves site but are on his cd" from my own point of view i wrote down all the names of the dead from the Allenton war memorial in Derby and ran the names of the dead through the war graves site and over half of them were not listed so it seems not that compleat.

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 13 Mar 2004 20:55

Hi Helen! If you ring the GRO in Southport I understand they are very helpful with these! Maz. XX

Helen in Kent

Helen in Kent Report 13 Mar 2004 18:10

Thanks to everyone who has come back to me with suggestions. Wotcha Gaz! Great site. Keith, I'm still chasing the soldier you were helping me with last year! Thank-you all very much.


Unknown Report 13 Mar 2004 10:59

Tracy If you have not already got one, if you go to they may have one. (An ongoing photographing project by volunteers) Ray


Tracey Report 13 Mar 2004 00:31

Gary, I agree with Keith. My great grandfather was wounded in France in WWI(bullet in the brain) and was brought back to England where he died. He does appear on the CWGC site and I am so glad because he was the inspiration for me to begin this genealogical quest we all know and love! So it is always worthwhile checking the CWGC for names even if they died back home. They died defending our freedom and deserve to recognised with honour.


Keith Report 12 Mar 2004 21:11

This topic came up a short time ago, The answer is that the Army Records of Registration of War dead are being scanned by the 1837 Company even as we speak. When they have been checked they will be placed on the site, this is expected to be this summer. Until then you can only get the details from the Service Registration books held at the FRC. Records on the CWGC site won't give you a GRO reference. I believe that anyone who died of wounds in England, even up to a certain date after the War, are recorded on CWGC. Good hunting. Keith


Gary Report 12 Mar 2004 18:29

helen if you go to the derbyshire lookup exchange there is a chap terry reeves on there who has a cd of all the war dead from the first world war and contains people that were shipped back here and died of their wounds which are not listed on the war graves site, i get the impresion that people who were wounded and later died at home are not listed on the war graves site

Helen in Kent

Helen in Kent Report 12 Mar 2004 14:46

Thanks, Steph, I've done so, I wondered if these deaths are registered in the uk or elsewhere?


Steph Report 12 Mar 2004 14:34

might be worth checking out the commonwealth war graves commission first, www(.)cwgc(.)org

Helen in Kent

Helen in Kent Report 12 Mar 2004 14:29

Would the deaths of the WW1 dead be on 1837 online or do I need to look somewhere else for a certificate reference?