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Your thoughts on a death!

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Rosemary Report 16 Mar 2004 21:53

Hi Jackie, I don't know whether this may be of help, but contact the archives at Hull University and see if they have any information about the workhouse. Good luck with your search. Rosemary


Jackie Report 16 Mar 2004 19:19

Yes -I think I am going to have to try and find something on the workhouse. There is a good site about it but no actual records online before 1881census. I notice that the workhouse master had the same surname as the Superintendant Registrar for Sculcoates, Hull! Coincidence or what!!! No -I am not going to look into HIS family history! Jackie


Linda Report 16 Mar 2004 11:39

MY great Grandfather who was born in 1856 aged twelve years between the 1891 census and the 1901 census, and niether of them are accurate to the birth date, never take as gospel census ages is my suggestion. Linda P


Kim Report 16 Mar 2004 08:21

Would it be possible that the ages got mixed up with another person who died at the same time. if only the Workhouse master was present maybe he just guessed his age anyway? KIM

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 16 Mar 2004 06:55

Have you looked at the workhouse records? I have seen some on film, which show the date of entry to the workhouse and a relative's address. I don't know whether you would be able to find out more on Henry this way and perhaps determine whether or not he was 'yours'.


Jackie Report 15 Mar 2004 22:30

I'm beginning to think I'll never really find out. S.....'s law that there wasn't a son, or even a friend with him when he died. It was definitely him in 1871 with his son, as said Gunthorpe, aged 70 (little lier!!!!) However wife died in 1878. UGRHHHHHHHH....most inconsiderate. Jackie


MaggyfromWestYorkshire Report 15 Mar 2004 22:09

Hi Jackie, Hope that you have finally found your man! Good luck and please let us all know the outcome of this one. Maggy


Jackie Report 15 Mar 2004 22:00

Yes -Henry also remarried a young bride born 1814 in 1838 after he had been widowed. She didn't lie about her age!!! Wonder if he bagan to believe he was 10 years+ younger than he really was!!! Jackie


Anna Report 15 Mar 2004 21:53

my 2x great grandad was age 5 in 1941,age 23 in 1861.age 30 in 1871,age 35 on wedding cert of 1876,age 30 in 1881,age 60 in 1891 and age 61 when he died in 1892.I think he must of lied about his age in the1871, 1881 and on his wedding cert as his bride was 20 years younger than him Anna


Irene Report 15 Mar 2004 21:00

I don't really know the answer but I hope this will help. The certificate you have is a copy of a copy, the original is either in the District RO or church. I am not sure how they copied them all, on one sheet or one at a time, but I have found the ages differ from that of the Church records. The burial ages different from Certificate, Marriages the chruch copy was different from the certificate I ordered. But mistakes were made. The other thing if he was in the workhouse and no one was there to say how old he was then they would take a guess. I would say you have the right one, but it wouldn't hurt to check later deaths just to be on the safe side. Irene


John Report 15 Mar 2004 20:46

Jackie, My MiL's grandfather sounds similar. He was 30 on the 1901 census, 40 when he got married in 1909 and 70 when he died in 1932. I haven't found his birth certificate yet, but his name and occupation are very distinctive: Richard Billington Roberts, gamekeeper. Good luck with your puzzle!


Jackie Report 15 Mar 2004 20:15

Gathered that, Shelli. To be honest, wasn't expecting miracles from him! Thanks anyway for letting me know. Jackie


Shelli4 Report 15 Mar 2004 20:04

jackie not connected but just to let you not heard from the rector of All Saints yet Shelli


Jackie Report 15 Mar 2004 19:59

Today I received the death certificate of my 5x ggrandfather Henry Barrett - or is it?? For months I have been looking for him (thankyou all those of you who have advised me on Gunthorpe). He was initially found on the 1851 census aged 45 in Hull, born Gunthorpe, Norfolk.Father named as John on his marriage certificate(deceased). After months of searching the parish records from Gunthorpe could not find a birth for 1805/6. Then a few weeks ago someone kindly found him on Hull 1871 census, working as a labourer in the relief office aged 70(!! )with his son Christopher. Aha, I thought -back to Gunthorpe - and there he is born 1800, son of John Barrett and Sarah Whales. Next port of call was to find his death. Found it for 1880 and the certificate arrived today. Henry Barrett, died at the Workhouse, Anlaby Road, Hull -aged ........68. Is this him????? Anlbaby Road workhouse served the Holy Trinity area of Hull, where he had lived, he never knew his age, in 1871 he had hit hard times but could he have got away with being 68??He died of'senile atrophy', only the master of the Workhouse present. Can't find another H Barrett born Hull for 1812 -is this him? He was not in 1881 census and the only HB who died between 1871 and 1881 Hull. Your thoughts, Jackie