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Time of Birth on Certificate
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BrianW | Report | 16 Mar 2004 13:35 |
Received birth certificate for wife's great granny yesterday and it has the time of birth recorded as 6 am. Does the inclusion of a time always indicate a twin or is it at the whim of the informant/registrar? |
Researching: |
Kim | Report | 16 Mar 2004 14:20 |
wELL having seen this topic on this board before the concensus was that some registrar's were quite precise and others weren't but that they do record the time for twins! And sometimes they do record the time for single births.... Is that much help too you!!! not really !!! ;~) cheers KIM |
Shelli4 | Report | 16 Mar 2004 14:28 |
time on birth cert often indicates twins, BUT it could be as Kim said that the registar was very presice OR it was a Scottish birth, i think they have the time on as a matter of course Shelli |
PennyDainty | Report | 16 Mar 2004 14:32 |
I'm not sure about English certs. but on Scottish ones the time of birth is almost always there. Hope that helps. |
BrianW | Report | 16 Mar 2004 14:37 |
This one is Essex, definitely not Scottish. |
Researching: |
Shelli4 | Report | 16 Mar 2004 15:03 |
brian then it's either twins or an overzealous registar what do you think?? Shelli |
BrianW | Report | 16 Mar 2004 15:08 |
I'll have to check back on 1837. If it was twins then both must have been registered if the registrar put times on. |
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JackyJ1593 | Report | 16 Mar 2004 15:58 |
aaah! It could have been triplets!! :-) :-) |
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VIVinHERTS | Report | 16 Mar 2004 16:14 |
If it was a multiple birth be aware they may not have been born on the same day and there is also the possibility of still birth of 1 or more babies. Viv. |
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Rosemary | Report | 16 Mar 2004 18:33 |
Brian, When I received my Great Grandmother's birth certificate the time was given, and the people at the Trafford Register Office went to the trouble of sending me a note to say they had searched for a twin, but did not find one. The time given was 12.00. I wondered if there was some dispute as to which day she was born. Rosemary(Essex) |
BrianW | Report | 16 Mar 2004 20:15 |
Just checked on 1837, definitely the only one registered in that quarter for that surname. |
Researching: |
Rosi | Report | 16 Mar 2004 21:29 |
Maybe the other(s) was stillborn. I have the same dilemma for one of mine borm 1844 in Bermondsey. No sign of a twin, no death on 1837 - yet time of birth on the cert I have. History of twins in the family too. I doubt if i shall ever know - but would so much like to! Rosi. |
Deborah | Report | 17 Mar 2004 02:48 |
Hi Brian, I recently ordered a clutch of birth certificates, all registered in Durham Central. When the first 2 arrived (being familiar with the time/twins thing) got very excited as they had times of birth noted on them and assumed they were twins. Must have missed the other twin in each case? By the time I had received all 8 certificates, they ALL had times of birth on them!! None were twins, just a very zealous registrar, or a quirk of that particular RO? Debbie |