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GRO moan moan moan/1837online query

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AnninGlos Report 7 Apr 2004 17:39

I haven't needed to use the site for about 8/9 weeks, in fact since my old computer went wrong. I went into it to order a certificate today and the format seemed to have changed in the intro page - when did that happen? Still I easily ordered the certificate from GRO, then I notice the despatch date ---26th April!!! I knew they were experiencing delays but surely nearly 3 weeks is ridiculous., why on earth can't they hurry their training up of staff?? Moan over!! Ann Glos


Paul Report 7 Apr 2004 17:57

The site was updated on about the 30th March. I received an ivfo e-mail about it. Also they had a period where there was information about the changes to the site when it was accessed. I have not had a proper look at it myself yet, as I don't have any credits at the moment, and don't need to go into it yet. Paul


Lucky Report 7 Apr 2004 18:03

Also you are still buying the cert from the GRO so it isn't 1837 onlines delay. The GRO site is saying at least 10 working days for despatch at the moment. 1837 has updated its look and when you sign off there is a comments page for you to fill in and send them. They do listen to your suggestions, so it's worth telling them what you think Diane


AnninGlos Report 7 Apr 2004 18:12

Sorry yes, I should have put Gro moan, I'll adjust it. But 10 days seems to have stretched to 19 now with no mention of that. Ann Glos


Lucky Report 7 Apr 2004 18:34

I ordered some from the GRO last week est date of despatch 19th April. They are obviously adding more days for the Easter holidays, it would be nice if some of the money we spent went on hiring and training more staff.


Heather Report 9 Apr 2004 10:21

I have also had to wait some time for certs ordered, but the moan I have is on 1837 (I think) the reference numbers are very clear on the certs ordered but when I sent for them the GRO said they have no record and charged £4 for their search. This has happened twice and I don't know what to do?? arggggggggg


Geoff Report 9 Apr 2004 10:33

By my reckoning, the 19 days includes EIGHT non-working days.


Rachel Report 9 Apr 2004 11:16

I ordered a certificate a week or so ago, they quoted despatch date of 16th April, it arrived in the post this morning!! Well chuffed Rachel


Unknown Report 9 Apr 2004 11:48

The GRO is overwhelmed by demands for certificates - it's not a question of training the staff! I agree its frustrating having to wait so long, but I think we've been spoilt by their previously quick turnaround. Besides, only a few years ago, you would have had to apply for and receive certificates by snail mail and I'm sure that would probably take about 3 weeks. Be glad you will get your certificates - they are worth waiting for. And if all this extra demand is because more people are tracing their family histories, let's hope more people will be contacting us soon with connections to our trees! Helen.


Janet Report 16 Apr 2004 14:32

I know this may sound a little out of date in this computer age but has anybody tried FAXING their forms/requests. I have found it a lot quicker than ordering on line. I sent a fax for 4 certificates on tuesday of this week and they arrived this morning!


Julia Report 16 Apr 2004 15:07

Just rang GRO about certificate ordered a month ago, Answer It's still in the System. Will just have to be patiant Julia

Debi Coone

Debi Coone Report 16 Apr 2004 15:13

Ann I ordered a couple before the easter break and they actually arrived on the expected despatch date - so maybe you'll not have to wait as long as they say, maybe they are just overcaculating? I have ordered more and the despatch date is 26th April - be nice to see if they do indeed arrive earlier than expected : ) Much Happiness Debi


Unknown Report 16 Apr 2004 15:53

I have always received my certificates on the day they anticipate and although it is taking longer now, it is nice to have a definite date. I've just received a batch today which has answered a few questions but posed a lot more. Does anyone else find their medical knowledge has increased after researching terms used on death certificates?


Unknown Report 16 Apr 2004 17:08

I am currently going through letters from my grandfather to my grandmother when they were courting. He complains that letters take more than a day or two to arrive and that there are only two posts a day - and this is from an army camp! So somethings were definitely better in the old days, though its a case of not appreciating what you've got!


Rosemary Report 18 Apr 2004 10:47

Just received a cert on the 17 4 04 , this was 4 days earlier than stated due on the 21st was really pleased They have been taking on more staff as a friend applied to work there, but he was not impressed with the building they worked in , a bit depressing. So perhaps we should be a little bit more grateful to them as it sounded a very tedious job, i do not think i would enjoy it. ROSE