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1901 census good news

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Sally Report 22 Apr 2004 06:14

Do Hope you are all enjoying ancestry, I have been doing so many lookups for people MOST I have found. HAPPY HUNTING.


Patricia Report 15 Apr 2004 18:21

I tried the free trial on my partner's credit card ( with permission of course) As soon as I could afford it, I cancelled that and rejoined under my own name with no problems. The access available to trial members is extremely limited & if anyone thought that was all there was then no-one would join! There are two levels of membership, I am only interested in the UK at the moment, so have subscribed to that, there is limited U.S access included. Once you have joined,there is no more to pay! (ie look up's are free) If you want access to U.S census' & newspapers etc. then you can pay the higher joining fee immediately or upgrade at a later date. The information on the site is excellent ! Very happy hunting! Pat.


Susanne Report 15 Apr 2004 15:30

I took out quarterly sub just in case I decided to cancel, I have found it worth every penny ( especially when I use hubby's credit card!!) Sue


Judith Report 15 Apr 2004 14:59

Ancestry has the 1891 census, a growing area of the 1871 and now 1901 so its becoming more useful to UK researches. It also has things like Pallotts marriage index which has helped me find some London relatives so I'm happy to pay the sub at present, a lot cheaper for me than travelling to London to the FRC or divvying up to the PRO 1901 site. Have heard several tales of them being awkward when people want to cancel subs though. Judith


Shirley Report 15 Apr 2004 14:32

My mum had problems with She took advantage of the "free trial", cancelled it the same day because there was nothing on there that we didn't already know, and little information for the UK area we were researching, but they still deducted their monthly fees for a whole year, saying that she was under contract because they had never received a cancellation notice from her. I know that she did it, I was there and watched her do it, but after "cleaning up" her computer after a virus her email had gone, so she couldn't prove it. She didn't use it at all whilst she was being forced to pay. She is a pensioner. Not impressed! ShirleyB


John Report 15 Apr 2004 14:09

I was under the impression that Ancestry was mainly for U.S research. Did I not read that some people had problems when they no longer wanted to renew their membership?


Sally Report 15 Apr 2004 07:43

I am so glad you are all enjoying Ancestry, I also find it good value. I have been able to help so many people. so if there is anyone out there that does not want to join. I m happy to do look ups for you. Happy Hunting. Sally.

susie manterfield(high wycombe)

susie manterfield(high wycombe) Report 14 Apr 2004 10:57

hi helen i paid for a years subscription at the cost of £83 including vat it is the best £83 ive spent i have found so many of my rellies and ive also done numerous look ups for other gc members its well worth the money...give it a try susie


Helen1959 Report 14 Apr 2004 10:52

Hello everyone, Maybe I'm being stupid, but on reading these messages I get the impression that if you subscribe to Ancestry you get access to 1901 census and other censuses you don't have to pay to view the images. I'm still very new to all this and tend to stick to GC, 1837online and 1901 census, I also have a copy of LDS 1881 on disk. Is it worth subscribing to Ancestry? Let me know your thoughts. Helen


Patricia Report 13 Apr 2004 23:02

Don,t know why everyone thinks Ancestry is expensive, Where else could you live for £60 quid a year? Seriously though,it only works out at £5 per month for a wealth of excellent information and it's SO entertaining and addictive and and.......... i've spent a £5 pound voucher in minutes on the original 1901 online & came up with ZILCH! Pat.


Jubal Report 13 Apr 2004 15:46

Many thanks for that Sally, great news!


Samantha Report 13 Apr 2004 14:41

Hi everyone, Just be onto Ancestry to have a look. On the bottom right of the home page is "Whats new" 1901 census is listed there. The following counties are available: Berkshire Hampshire Kent London Surrey Sussex As usual its not the ones I want!!! Sam


Judith Report 13 Apr 2004 11:39

Hi Christine, I had the same problem. If you ask to browse UK census you're only given option of 1871 or 1891 still. So I typed the name I wanted and didn't select a census year - then results came up for 1871, 1891 and 1901 - brilliant all my London lot were there. good hunting Judith


Sally Report 13 Apr 2004 06:23

Ancestry is now showing 1901 census for looks like people living in London. any one wanting a look up I have a thread on records board. also Berkshire, Hampshire, Kent, Surrey and sussex.