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Reverse Family Tree?

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Seasons Report 24 Apr 2004 11:40

Thanks Martin - will have a go when I get around to doing my tree. Thanks too Russell have run off a copy of the fan which will really help with husbands tree which doesn't have any branches off it. Once I've sorted it I'll buy a big one so he can display it. Georgina Sorry didn't get your email with power point instructions on - must be lost in abyss somewhere. Would be grateful if you could send them as I'd like to try it with this family's multi branch tree. Thanks all Julie


Georgina Report 23 Apr 2004 16:50

Julie, in fact had a spare 10 mins so have e-mailed you the instructions for making a family tree poster in powerpoint. Good luck


Russell Report 23 Apr 2004 16:36

Julie, You can print off a 'fan' pedigree chart free from; or you could buy a more attractive one from; http://www.genealogyprinters(.)com/catalog/default.php?cPath=21&osCsid=14f3a239c6afc7aadf4c4741ad3af719 It costs £4 and measures 36" x 16"


Georgina Report 23 Apr 2004 16:20

Just to say, powerpoint isn't that complicated to use for this! if you want a step by step 'recipie' on how to make it just let me know as it won't take long. Give me an e-mail.


Seasons Report 23 Apr 2004 10:37

Just had a look at Power Point - I've never used it before and it looks really complicated. Will have to find an idiots guide before I venture down that road!!! Thanks anyway.


Georgina Report 23 Apr 2004 10:14

I've seen fan shaped forms for sale on ebay if you search for genealogy. Also, you could try using text boxes on powerpoint software. I did one by setting the paper size to A0 as I wanted to see all of my family at once rather that just particular branches.


Seasons Report 23 Apr 2004 09:30

Yes I'd like to see if that would work. Where do I get one from?


Abigail Report 22 Apr 2004 00:20

Isn't there a tree form which looks like a fan? The ancestor in the middle and then generations moving up and outwards. If it works it would look quite striking too.


Seasons Report 21 Apr 2004 19:43

Afraid he wants it on one page if possible - so can be seen at a glance where people (millions of them - no not really just seems like that) fit in. My basic spreadsheet isn't too bad but just wondered if anyone had produced a better way.


Carole Report 21 Apr 2004 18:47

The Legacy tree mentioned earlier allows you to print off reports starting with any person on your tree, with numbers for each generation before each name. As it is a free download and can import GEDfiles, you've got nothing to lose by giving it a try. I think there is a link on the Resouce Centre page.


Seasons Report 19 Apr 2004 11:59

Thank you I'll give it a go. Unfortunately I've been given a tree by a distant relative and been asked to make it easy to understand on paper!!! The ancestors who had 8 children all seem to have had 8 children too and then there's their marriages and children to add on as well + their children + grandchildren (I think!!!). I've now done a simple spreadsheet like this but wonder if there is an actual form/chart out there that has it already? A N OTHER married A N OTHER Child 1............Child 2.........Child 3........Child 4 etc Then their children down in columns so at a glance you can see the children and grandchildrens names. Gets difficult when the grandchildren marry and if there are loads as in my case!!! CHILD 1 -------- CHILD 1 married to ------- married to child ------------- child child -------- child CHILD 2 -------- CHILD 2 married to ------- married to child ------- child child ------- child


Janet Report 19 Apr 2004 09:52

The Personal Ancestral File (PAF) free from the LDS site gives a descendancy option too. Janet


Seasons Report 19 Apr 2004 09:06

Is there a form that I can download which shows the oldest relative descending to youngest - that includes the children of each son/daughter instead of the other way around. I've been asked to sort out about 5 generations but loads of kids in last two generations which I need to put in!! Any advice as to how to do it would be most appreciated.