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"View Other Trees"

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CelticShiv Report 2 Aug 2004 23:23

Seems the powers that be, still aren't listening to our thoughts. It would be so much easier to be. able to search with a tree. Also I have to say, the boards are not much easier, yes you can now view only your post, or do a search, but the search is limited. The other thing that bugs me, is not being able to use images or urls, in these boards, all other forums i know allow this, so why don;t genesreunited. It is not as if they are going to loose out on members by doing this. Oh well thats my moan for the day.


Wendy Report 15 Jul 2004 01:47

I agree that navigating other trees is awkward to say the least. Mine was started by my husband, so it starts with Robert John Cummin--not helpful to someone connecting with a Shipley. Jackson or Hetherington! I too always tell people to start with my maiden name of Wendy May Hawkins and then pursue my family backwards into Jackson and Shipley on my mother's side. Wendy

Pat Kendrick

Pat Kendrick Report 14 Jul 2004 14:28

Malcolm I tried once to put my names on Gencircles and got into such a mess that after ages trying I gave up. It is not designed for idiots like me Pat


Supergran Report 14 Jul 2004 08:20

Just thought I'd nudge this one in the hope that the powers that be might hear our plea. Just had to click on "next 100 names" ten times to reach W. Brenda


Lorraine Report 30 Apr 2004 16:47

Also once you are given permission to view another tree, why not have the capability to do a name search _within_ that tree? Prefably combined with the option of a date search given the tendency for the same names to crop up over generations. Would be much quicker that way.


Lorraine Report 30 Apr 2004 16:45

My tree's turned into something of a forest (I'm glad to say, although I'd like to find even more to populate it!) The last time I gave someone permission to view my tree I gave instructions for navigating to the right branch - it was well hidden, being my mother's mother's father's mother! Not being able to see the maternal line easily is a nuisance, and many people tracing their trees will want to know about more people than their father's father's father etc. It would be nice to switch to multiple ways of viewing such as a matrilinial line.


Valerie Report 29 Apr 2004 09:56

Hi Patricia It looks as though a lot of people on this site are conneted, as I heard from Joanna and I am a branch of her tree, it would be interesting to see how many people are part of her tree. Valerie


Trishm Report 28 Apr 2004 22:49

I thought it was just me. I got so excited when Joanne let me view her tree and then I couldn't find the branch I wanted as she had over 500 names on her tree (also got jealous at this point but it soon passed) In the end I emailed and asked her to help direct me, but then I also accidently hit the wrong button and a list came up. How do we tell the people at GR that a list pop up is preferrable to the proper tree for viewing? while I'm asking for help - how do you delete someone, I have the same person on the tree twice but no matter how much I follow the instructions to delete her all that happens is that my computer nose dives into oblivion. Any answers? Trish


Carole Report 21 Apr 2004 18:07

Absolutely! I have been granted access to someone's tree, but it seems to be more of a forest - I have given up trying to find our common ancestor on it. Even the list of names is a bind, as I had to keep going through "view next 100 names".... Oh for an A-Z section at the top to click on.


Jeanie Report 20 Apr 2004 19:35

I struggled to make sense of other trees but then discovered that if you hit 'view relations' and then view tree of the oldest name you are searching for, it is very helpfull. Though to be fair the names are quite uncommon so there are not loads of them.


Janet Report 20 Apr 2004 13:25

Good Idea .Jan


*****me***** Report 20 Apr 2004 12:03

i agree with you!! chris.


CelticShiv Report 20 Apr 2004 11:47

I don't know if anybody else feels the same, but it is something that drives me mad. When viewing other persons trees, wouldn't it be better to have just a list of surnames and then you click on that surname to view individuals. I sometimes have spent ages going through all the names because a person has so many names in there tree. You get fed up half way through and are probably missing a few surnames that match yours in your tree. Something for Genes Connected to think about don't you reckon??????