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finding people in Canada

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George Report 26 Apr 2004 20:18

Does anyone know of a good site where you can post info about living people that you are searching for in Canada, basically a Canadian version of our Missing You or Lookup uk sites. Thank you George


Linda Report 26 Apr 2004 23:55

Hi George, I found message boards for Canada on www.gencircles(.)com Be lucky, Regards, Linda.


George Report 27 Apr 2004 16:36

Thanks, will check them out.

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){ Report 27 Apr 2004 16:57

George Thanks for asking that question. You've saved me a job. My mum is wanting to trace an old school friend who emmigrated to Canada. Jeanette


Barbara Report 27 Apr 2004 18:13

Hi George, Another option you could try, but it's a bit expensive - is www(.)classmates(.)com the equivelant of friends reunited. The trouble is if you find someone I think they want $30 US to be able to email them. Just a thought. Regards Barbara


George Report 27 Apr 2004 18:50

The difficulty is my person went out there in 1901 as a 13yr old girl. I have no idea who she ended up marrying, where or when! All I know is she lived in Ottawa when she first arrived.


Sue Report 27 Apr 2004 19:13

George I have had some success posting on this message board. It's worth a try anyway. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! LOL http://genforum.genealogy(.)com/canada/ Good luck Sue


George Report 30 Jun 2004 09:11

now know she ended up in Arthur, Wellington, ONT and from 1903 onwards worked for a Hefferman family. So if anyone knows anymore sites I'd appreciate them. Thanks George


PennyDainty Report 30 Jun 2004 10:44

Hi George, I don't know if your already familiar with thes sites as you may have already come accross them in your search. These sites are specifically for people trying to find British Home children sent to Canada etc. There's loads of links and message boards. Hope you find them useful. Christine http://www.childmigrants.*com/

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 30 Jun 2004 14:51

George: Not knowing the counties in Ontario, are you looking for Arthur, or Port Arthur? Port Arthur was "merged" into Thunder Bay, I believe in the 1950's. However, on my map, it looks like Arthur is a small town in Ontario, actually not too far from where my brickwall ancestor's possible cousin settled (if I can confirm a connection to them, I can add three more generations to my family). If Arthur is where your young girl lived, you might try writing to the local paper. I've been in touch with a lady who lives in that area (regarding my ancestor's possible cousin) and people around there know quite a bit about each other, which is something that probably isn't true about Port Arthur. Perhaps if you write to the local paper someone may have heard of the Heffernan's or the 13 year old. Good luck!


George Report 30 Jun 2004 14:53

Thats an idea that never occurred to me :~) Thanks Lisa George


PennyDainty Report 30 Jun 2004 17:47

George I've just spent the best part of the afternoon on those web sites I gave you. What an absolutely horrific time some of those home kids had. I don't think many people know, I know i didn't, about this terrible thing that the British government allowed to happen. Hope your lucky in your search Christine


George Report 30 Jun 2004 18:15

I know Christine, my girl was left motherless at 5 then dad died when she was 12. She was sent to Nazareth House Orphanage for a year then off to Canada on SS Tunisian. By 1903 she was employed by Mrs Heffernan in Arthur Twp. She left behind a full young brother Dennis and half brother James, one remained with his mother and the other to relatives.