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Kim | Report | 2 May 2004 15:37 |
Just been looking again at thissite, I thought how awful when I saw a stillborn announced in the births section, they don't even put the mothers name in the advert. That was April 1882, then in October the woman had another child announced in the births section, but further down in the deaths section, she died the same day. How awful to have the still born child announced in the paper and the woman'sname not entered(just the father) only to die in childbirth a few months later!! Thank heavens we don't live then . bit of an eye opener to me! KIM http://libraryweek.galedemo(.)com/history.htm |
Bobtanian | Report | 2 May 2004 16:14 |
Kim, please can you tell me, how do you get "into" the archive? have you got a special password? I have offered MY library details, but no joy. |
Researching: |
Kim | Report | 2 May 2004 16:32 |
You don't need a password or id no. Just disableyour norton/ or anti virus system when you're on the "free for all" page and once you're in to the search page, enable it again. Works for me! Kim |
JackyJ1593 | Report | 2 May 2004 17:40 |
I have trtied yet again to gain access to the site and even after disabling anti-virus and internet security, I am being asked for a password. Anyone got one to spare?? Jacly :-) |
Researching: |
Bobtanian | Report | 2 May 2004 18:12 |
Yippee!.Thanks Kim........XXXXXXXXX Bob |
Researching: |
Sylvie | Report | 2 May 2004 19:55 |
Kim's method works for me every time - without even disabling my Norton! Sylvie |
Researching: |
Sue | Report | 2 May 2004 20:36 |
I can't get past the page where it asks for a password :o( Any ideas please? Sue |
Lucky | Report | 2 May 2004 22:39 |
When I got that come up I typed in trial and it worked Diane |
Kim | Report | 2 May 2004 23:28 |
TRY HTTP://web3.infotrac.galegroup(.)com/itw/infomark/0/1/1/purl=rc6_ttda?sw_aep=free4_tda |
Kim | Report | 6 May 2004 14:24 |
Don't thank me thank Ann Yeomans she found it first!! KIM |
Flossie | Report | 6 May 2004 15:26 |
Didnt work for me!!!!! |
JackyJ1593 | Report | 6 May 2004 22:37 |
Yes! Yes! Yes! Finally! I wanted details of an errant G.Grandfather who was in prison for the 1891 census and what did I find? A court report for 1897 when he was sentenced to 6 months hard labour! Obviously didn't learn from the previous time. I am now going back to the site for more......... Jacky:-) |
Researching: |
Kim | Report | 7 May 2004 20:58 |
I am nudging this as may be relevant for the stillbirths thread KIM |
Kim | Report | 8 May 2004 16:32 |
nudge as still some people can't get in!! KIM |