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1837 COULD THEY BE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Patricia Report 6 May 2004 12:05

Hi Everyone, I have just had an e-mail from the registry office that do the 1837 certificates, I ordered a birth cerificate for my father William James Hunter-Winson Green Birmingham - 1915. The only one on 1837 was 6d 423. They say this is not related to my dad, I dont know where to go now. Regards Pat


Carole Report 6 May 2004 12:33

Hi Pat, How do they know it isn't your dad? Had you asked them to confirm parents names before issuing the certificate?


Patricia Report 6 May 2004 12:44

Hi Carol, No I didnt ask them to confirm anything, I was so sure that it was my dad. They say it isnt even the same name. What to do now ? Pat


Rachel Report 6 May 2004 12:59

I've just had a look on 1837 and I couldn't find it, which qtr was it registered in?


Patricia Report 6 May 2004 13:18

Hi Racheal, Its in the 1915 - march -april, I have checked the whole year and thats the only one for William J Hunter in Birmingham, I have just sent them an e-mail, I tried to phone but was 10th in a long list. Regards Pat


Rachel Report 6 May 2004 13:23

The birth reistered is just for : William J Hunter, Jun qtr 1915, Birmingham, 6d, 423. Mother's maiden surname Davie. If you just quote the details listed they should supply the certificate. However with the person registered not having a double barrelled name, it's probably not the person you want. Rachel


Patricia Report 6 May 2004 13:28

Hi Rachel, My dad didnt have a double barrelled name James was his middle name, I have sent e-mail to them, I will let you know when I get a reply. I even gave them his actual birthdate, can you beleive that. Regards Pat


Anne Report 6 May 2004 13:32

As Rachel says, its best to only put the info given in the index if you think its the right one. The certificate might not have the middle name, or the date of birth might be one day out. If anything is slightly different on uyour application they won't send it - much safer to stick with what it says in the index! Anne (who speaks from bitter experience!!)


Rachel Report 6 May 2004 13:34

Sorry, I thought that you meant his surname was Hunter-Winson! It may be that the birth date you gave them didn't match the one on the certificate. When I order certificates from the GRO I don't give any details other than those I have to (just the name, district, vol & pg no), just in case they don't match. It does mean I get the odd certificate that is wrong, but... I don't trust the GRO! At least if you get the certificate, you can see for yourself what the problem was, but this is just personal choice. Hope you get yours sorted out soon. Rachel


Patricia Report 6 May 2004 13:50

Hi Rachel and Anne of bitter experience, I have e-mailed them to confirm the details again. They must have loads to deal with but you would think they would take time to make sure, I dont think they are as good as the local offices, they seem to be a bit more caring about our monies worth. Will let you know when reply comes. Regards Pat

susie manterfield(high wycombe)

susie manterfield(high wycombe) Report 6 May 2004 14:19

i dont know about being wrong but i know for certain it isnt complete!!!! my 27 year old son is not on it! i know he was born cos i was there lol susie


Unknown Report 6 May 2004 14:21

Nice one Susie LOL Gaynor


LindaMcD Report 6 May 2004 15:00

I have experienced finding the details getting the cert and then one day showed a friend how to use the site, used that as an example and lo and behold it was no longer there!! Linda x


Patricia Report 6 May 2004 16:03

Thankyou all, For your replies, Its nice to know I'm not the only one having problems, I thought this would all be easy when I started, I have soon found that it is not easy at all. I can't even find my Grandad never mind some as yet unknown rellies. But I am adicted now so I will have to carry on. Still waiting for a reply to my e-mail, And I would get them from Birmingham but I have paid Southport now and if they have made a mistake they are not charging me for a search that was not neccessary. God do I sound like I'm on my high horse or what. will post notice when I have further developements. lol Pat


Christina Report 7 May 2004 10:54

You say you are still waiting for a reply on your e-mail, is this from GRO? If so did you include GQ in your subject heading? If not then you will get an automated reply and no further action will be taken on your email. Check you have done this. If for instance you want information on Jones put GQ Jones and the rest of your message, this guarantees a reply.