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Army Records
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Derek | Report | 27 May 2004 13:16 |
Hi folks, just hot out of the mail box, a letter from Admin Officer at Kentigern House Glasgow saying that due to 40day deadline outlined in Data Protection Act 1928 is not sufficient time to reproduce the papers requested. From this letter, I will assume all folks will receive this info before 40 days have passed after application of records. Yeah, I know, its a bummer! regards, Derek in France |
Seasons | Report | 27 May 2004 08:41 |
Army records are a nightmare to find which is why it takes so long to get them. I don't think they've been indexed yet but were in Army Number order (not name order at all) on paper records, so someone had to physically go through them to find the right ones too. When asking for rcords it helps enormously if you can give as much information as possible:- Full name Date of Birth Army No (a godsend if you've got it or can get it - check rims of round medals - no good for stars though!) Date of Enlistment or an approximate date Month/Year/Spring Summer etc Regiment Rank Occupation in Army - Driver - Wireless op etc. Medals awarded - ie Burma Star - Italy Star - Africa Star etc gives an idea which theatre of war they served in and possibly a clue to regiment. Date of discharge If you can imagine there were huge numbers in the Services and any help you can give them to find your relatives all the better. |
Elisabeth | Report | 27 May 2004 07:51 |
Great News!!!! After 10 months of waiting, the records for my father's WW2 service finally arrived. It is not just the precis of the entries I was expecting, but photocopies of lots of forms. The amazing thing is that the photocopies include all his WW1 papers too! I am a little busy just now and can't take it all in, but am just so pleased to have them. It is amazing to see forms, signed by Dad in August 1914 and 1939. It was worth the wait. Hope everyone has success! |
Elaine | Report | 16 May 2004 15:07 |
Hi,just thought I'd add that I applied for my fathers WW2 records last week and have recieved the paperwork to apply.When I phoned to find the details I was told that due to their heavy workload it would be at least 8 months before they could reply and the more details you can give the swifter their research will be as as there are over 30 miles of papers to search and it's all done manually.So it looks as if we'll have to be extra patient!!!!. Good luck, Elaine |
Derek | Report | 16 May 2004 11:49 |
nudge |
Derek | Report | 14 May 2004 15:21 |
Maureen, don't worry about lack of info, you are looking for your fathers records, go for it. Elizabeth M, sorry,I have been at lunch, but the answer is only two months, regards to you both, Derek |
Elisabeth | Report | 14 May 2004 11:25 |
Maureen and Angela, I think it would be worth writing to Glasgow to ask for the forms. If you have some details of service, you may be lucky. I did have my father's service number from WW1, and just assumed it was the same. I hope you have success, it is worth the price of a stamp, but be prepared to wait. I only started this to enable me to get Dad's WW2 medals, which he never claimed. To apply for those, I needed full details of his service - it is a vicious circle! Good luck to you both! |
Maureen | Report | 14 May 2004 10:54 |
Thank you to Elizabeth.M, and Derick Harridence for information on getting my dads army records.I may have a problem there as my dad remarried and moved to Gibralter where he died a few years ago. I have tried writing to her but have had no reply so dont know if she is still alive so I dont think I will be able to get them. Maureen |
Helen | Report | 13 May 2004 21:34 |
I am also interested in army records for my husband's grandfather (had no idea it took so long so I'd better send off for it soon). What I wonder if you must give the person's number. I know when he was discharged, his rank and which branch he was in but not the number. Is that enough info for them? What do they accept as proof of next of kin? Do they have a website with info? |
Elisabeth | Report | 13 May 2004 19:21 |
Derek, How long have you been waiting? |
Derek | Report | 13 May 2004 17:15 |
Hello Maureen, my dad was also Signals, I am also waiting on Glasgow. However, in the first place I contacted Archivist Tim Stankus at [email protected] based at Blandford Camp, in Dorset. He told me that £25 to the Glasgow Office was necessary as they had very little to refer to, regarding records of ex-servicemen. He also added that the museum would be grateful for anyone with servicemens info to forward such info to the museum, with which in time they possibly could pinpoint troop movements. Good hunting, Derek in France |
Elisabeth | Report | 13 May 2004 08:55 |
Dave, I think the department has been swamped by applications. When I applied last summer they said about 4 months wait, but that has stretched. I even talked to someone there when I enquired in January, who read out lots of information from my father's file, but the photocopy/despatch stage just takes so long. They are working weekends, overtime etc. to try to catch up but I think they need more staff. Elisabeth |
Dave the Tyke | Report | 13 May 2004 08:30 |
Just got forms, there is now 6-8 months waiting list and they say that you need the date of discharge but I put 'end of war'. There is a find your forces friend site, dont know what it is called though good luck Dave |
Elisabeth | Report | 12 May 2004 12:18 |
Maureen, I am assuming you are looking for WW2 records. You need to apply to: Historical Disclosures, Mail Point 400, Kentigern House, 65 Brown Street, Glasgow. G2 8EX You have to provide proof of your relationship, and that you are next of kin. It costs £25, or did when I applied last June. (You have to write first, to get all the forms to make the application.) I am still waiting for my details to be sent - though they found them in the archives in December. I have just talked to the office again, and it will be at least the end of the month before they are sent to me! Good Luck!!!! Elisabeth |
Maureen | Report | 12 May 2004 11:55 |
Can anyone please tell me how I can find Amy records of my father.He was in the royal Corps of Signals and I have his army number. |