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Do you think I have the right one?

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Debbie Report 14 May 2004 17:35

Hi all When I started my tree over a year ago my Nans father was always a mystery she would never talk about him. And I looked everywhere for a marriage between Beatrice Day and Jack Davis. So now and again I have a little look but today decided to buy more 1837 credits and checked on 1910 my Nan was born 1911. Straight away I found a Beatrice Day married in Mile End so checked on Davis name in same quater and there was a John Davis same vol and page number. Now I know someone called John is often known as Jack. But why wasnt it here before. Do you think it could be the right oneor am I just cluthing at straws. Beatrice lived in Southwark Newington is it close to Mile End do you think? I just cant believe I have found it? Should I order it or not. or can anyone else find another Beatrice and Jack. Thanks Debbie


Deborah Report 14 May 2004 17:56

Hi Debbie, If the ref no's match, then it's a 50/50 chance that it's the right one. If not, those 2 individuals, marrying different people at the same time & place is, and with the same names as you are looking for - about a million to one!!! Go for it!! Also, as you say, Jack is a nickname for John (my own grandad was known to everyone as Jack, his name was John) Debbie


Unknown Report 14 May 2004 17:59

Debbie, Southwark and Mile End were well within romancing distance. The Tube Trains started running sometime in the mid 1850s, and, of course, there were the Horse drawn AND the New Fangled Motor Omnibuses. Greater London itself is only about 30 miles across. When I was a child in the 1940s I used to think nothing of walking from Wimbledon to Putney, along the Thames through Chelsea and to the Museums at South Kensington. Then on into London for a look round, and then home again, perhaps through Clapham, Balham and Tooting. It had to be Tooting because my Aunty Elsie lived there and I was sure of being fed, watered and sent on my way with a half crown in my pocket. If these are the only two which fit, don't let Geography keep them apart. :-) Jim


Debbie Report 14 May 2004 18:07

Thank you both so much. I just needed to hear it from someone else. So I am going to order it. Oh but the waiting is going to be unbearable. Thanks Debbie


Unknown Report 14 May 2004 18:12

Debbie You will let us know if it is the right one won't you? By the way my gt grandad John David Robert Smoothy was always called Jack.


Debbie Report 14 May 2004 18:19

Helen I will let you know when I have it. Have ordered it dipatch date is 26th May that is far too long to wait. Debbie


Unknown Report 14 May 2004 19:30

Don't bit your nails too much, GRO are working pretty quickly at the moment and we all seem to be getting our certs long before the due despatch date. Fingers crossed its the same for you!


Debbie Report 14 May 2004 19:32

Hi Mandy Oh I do hope so how much quicker are they doing it if mine said the 26th may when do you reckon. Please say tomorrow. Debbie


Deborah Report 15 May 2004 00:49

OK Debbie, Just to keep you smiling - tomorrow!! Debbie


Debbie Report 15 May 2004 00:55

Hi Debbie Well, it had better be here tomorrow, otherwise I will get very depressed and I will blame you for building my hopes up like that. Debbie


Debbie Report 19 May 2004 14:06

Yes Yes Yes it has arrived. I ordered it on the 14th which was friday and it has come. And guess what it is the right one. I know it's the right one as the father of Beatrice is Charles Day and I know he was a Housing Agent whatever that is. only trouble is they were from the same address cant read John's fathers name but think it is Mark. But dont you think Mark was a bit of a odd name in 1910. could be Mack. What would Mack be short for? any ideas please. I just cannot believe it a year I have been searching for this one now at least I can forget the idea that my nan's father was her grandad. yes that is what I honestly thought. so Happy Debbie


Anne Report 19 May 2004 14:38

Why would Mark be an odd name for 1910? I have an ancestor born in the late 1700s called Mark Moon! Anne


Debbie Report 19 May 2004 14:43

Anne I have never come across that name in that time before. In my tree I have william james john and thomas and a few more but no Marks. No I like the name but I thought it was a modern name. Debbie


Deborah Report 19 May 2004 17:21

Hi Debbie, Well done!! So glad it was the right one. As for the fathers name, have never done it myselfm but I understand if you contact the GRO and explain the problem, they will clarify the unreadable bits. Debbie


Debbie Report 19 May 2004 18:09

HI Debbie I think I have sussed the name now, it's Mark I compared it with all the other letters and it fits. Thanks for the advice i'm sure I will get one that I will be really stuck with. Debbie