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Anybody good with odds?
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Deborah | Report | 20 May 2004 00:54 |
Hi I have decided to brave 1837 with an almost blind search (I feel my credit card stiffening). I am going to search for potential siblings of my grandad. I shall start in 1910 when his parents married and continue until a few years after grandads birth. Now this is the calculating bit, his mum spelt his surname on the Cert wrong (Rogers instead of Rodgers)now what are the chances of grandads siblings names being mispelt also? Should I search the right name or the wrong name-what are the odds? Deb |
Deborah | Report | 20 May 2004 01:07 |
Thancks Maz she was drunk at the time of registering so the family story goes! Deb |
Crista | Report | 20 May 2004 01:34 |
Deb, After 1911 the mother's maiden name was listed on the birth entry so that should make things easier. Crista |
Deborah | Report | 20 May 2004 01:37 |
Thanks Christa Do you know what info would be on a 1910 Marriage Cert? Deb |
Crista | Report | 20 May 2004 01:44 |
Deb, Addresses of both partners, occupations, father's names, witnesses. That sort of thing. Crista |
Deborah | Report | 20 May 2004 01:56 |
Thanks Crista |
Gwyn in Kent | Report | 20 May 2004 08:00 |
Deborah, Are you anywhere near a main library or archive centre/ record office? If they hold the GRO index, - many do, - you could search either spellings for no cost. If it were me I would want to check both spellings.Both surnames sound the same so I think siblings could be recorded with either. Mother's maiden name will help but isn't proof. What about if 2 brothers married 2 sisters as has happened at times in my family? They would at least all be on your tree though! |
Helen | Report | 20 May 2004 09:28 |
If it makes you feel better, I've done something similar, looking for my family. I've trawled through 1837 from 1908 to 1940 looking for births and marriages in my paternal line - Morrall. I'm lucky though - we're the only family with that surname in the area, so anybody with it (there where 8 siblings + some cousins) had to be one of ours. Its boring though, especially on a slow day. Only works out really expensive if you have more than one page to view each time. At the very cheapest it's 40 units for 10 years. Helen |
Kim | Report | 20 May 2004 10:50 |
I have had the same with "Gudgeon" The name on marriage cert was Gudgeon but when she had her first child her maiden name is shown as Gudgin, going back further on IGI it changes again to Goodgin. So good luck and I hope you find them...KIM |
Keith | Report | 20 May 2004 22:03 |
Hi Deborah. The good thing is that with those spellings they are both likely to be on the same page so not too much more expensive. Good hunting. Keith |
Researching: |
Deborah | Report | 21 May 2004 08:49 |
Hi Well I have started the search with Rodgers, no luck yet and unfortunately I now live in OZ so all record offices are a long long bus ride away! Unfortunately Rodgers and Rogers seem to be on differant pages-Grrr! ah well onwards and hopefully upwards! Deb |
Brenda | Report | 21 May 2004 14:20 |
search first. the civil registration list is free to look at and then note down the vol and page no for any potential siblings. then look at rootsweb for those nos. it might shorten the odds a bit. |
Deborah | Report | 22 May 2004 02:29 |
Thanks Brenda |