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What do local records offices have available re: n

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Smiley Report 20 May 2004 08:18

I am in Gloucestr, is there only Gloucestershire information, or would there be any national info too? I would like to visit but for liittle bit I need on Glos it wouldn't be worth my while. If there was any national info, I would definitely go. I would like to go with a "Plan" ;)


Gen Report 20 May 2004 08:36

Hi Sammy, I have e mailed you direct. Gen


Smiley Report 20 May 2004 08:43

Thank you Gen, off to look :) Nothing yet Gen, perhaps I'm a bit too keen & you're still typing Sam


Smiley Report 20 May 2004 09:03

Got it Gen Many thanks Sam


AnninGlos Report 20 May 2004 09:52

Could we have an explanation on the board for those of us who also are not sure please? Sam if you intend going to Glos records office one day, i'll come with you if you like as i haven't been yet either. Ann Glos


Gen Report 20 May 2004 13:07

Sorry Ann had to go out and have only just seen your message, if you go to this link http://www.familysearch[.]org/Eng/Library/FHLC/frameset_fhlc.asp it takes you to the LDS library catalogue, you can type in your place of interest and see what records are held, some will be at the history centres but others will need to be ordered in for a small fee so it is worth phoning your chosen history centre to make sure what they have. Also on the page it takes you to if you click on family history centres you can search for the one nearest to you. Hope this helps. Gen


Smiley Report 20 May 2004 15:07

That would be good Ann, I'm a bit nervous about it really!! Coffee & records after half term it is then...........You did realise it was ME didn't you Ann :):):)


Unknown Report 20 May 2004 15:42

Lets be careful not to confuse the LDS family History Centres and the County Records offices. They are two different things and no doubt will hold different records


AnninGlos Report 20 May 2004 15:50

thanks gen, tried that but it doesn't exist any more. You need to go to the Familysearch home page and fight your way through from there. I actually discovered that gloucester record office wouldn't be any help to me as my lot being South Gloucester I need bristol Record office. So that is something learnt, or confirmed as I half suspected it. Ann Glos


Smiley Report 20 May 2004 16:03

Ann, I have forwarded Gen's email to you, the link worked for me, Good luck Sam


AnninGlos Report 20 May 2004 16:20

Paul, it actually told me the records were at Bristol Record Office. sam, I got into the site but that page was no longer available so i found the information from the home page. Ann Glos


Unknown Report 20 May 2004 16:53

Apart from LDS there is also Bristol Record Office B Bond Warehouse, Smeaton Road, Bristol BS1 6XN. Tel: 0117 922 4224 e-mail: bro(atsign)bristol-city(.)gov(.)uk web: www(.)bristol-city(.)gov(.)uk/recordoffice Bristol Central Library College Green, Bristol BS1 5TL. Tel: 0117 903 7202 Gloucester Record Office, Clarence Row, Alvin Street, Gloucester GL1 3DW. Tel: 01452 425295 e-mail records(atsign)glosc(.)gov(.)uk website: www(.)glosc(.)gov(uk) Gloucestershire County Library Brunswick Road, Gloucester GL1 1HT. Tel: 01452 426979 e: clams(atsign)glosc(.)gov(.)uk www(.)glosc(.)gov(.)uk Has largest local studies library in Gloucestershire. Other libraries specialising in their area are Cheltenham, cinderford, Cirencester, Stow on the Wold, Stroud & Tewksbury.


Seasons Report 20 May 2004 17:32

I've just come back from the Birmingham Central library. I went to look through the fische BDM files and when finished then got directed to the Genealogy Section. As I'm not doing Birmingham research I didn't think they'd have much for me but they had a vast array of books directories etc and must have at least something for most counties. (now whether it's anything you want is another matter) I was extremely lucky and found a surname index for the 1851 census in Berwick on Tweed!!!!! on which could have been the mother of someone I was looking for. Unfortunately the parish records for Berwick on Tweed (well some of them I think) date back to 1600's or thereabouts and I need 1831 which it didn't cover. A great eye opener, so would recommend people go to their local genealogy sections. .


AnninGlos Report 20 May 2004 17:43

hello Helen Evans from Hitchin (used to live in Clifton and work at RAF henlow 12 years ago). I regularly go to Gloucester library local studies centre and they are excellent so helpful. but they only hold Glos records and I don't have many to research in Gloucester so I mostly go there for other people. I just wondered if it would be the same at Glos record office (been there to collect a census voucher so know where it is). Ann Glos


Unknown Report 20 May 2004 18:02

Ann What a small world! Which is why I can't understand that everyone is researching completely different people - someone on GC must be connected to my family! I am hoping to visit Gloucester in the summer so may ask you for more tips. But I have to do Richmond and Norwich first. Thank goodness my relies are all within reasonable travelling distance. I've just discovered that two of my gt gt grandfathers (one on mothers' side and one on father's) came from virtually spitting distance in the Cotswolds. When I started this lark I found my London relies were round the corner (literally) from some of my husband's relies, though his had relocated to west London and mine to souh london during WW2. I wonder if they ever met.