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Can you help with Roman Numerals on B Cert entry p

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Unknown Report 8 Jul 2004 22:53

Thank you for looking for me Mandy, I appreciate that very much. I am going dizzy tonight, e-mails, phone calls, and then my doggy needed a walk!! Will get my breath back now. Good to hear about your 'anniversary' Hope you can get together for that event!! Margaret XX Yes Robin, I thought that it was Thirza when I first saw it and unfortunately I didn't copy it to my file, so only have the paper copy. But it does look a bit like Therizer when you study it, the last two letters don't look like there is an 'h' in it, but it is not a very good copy! Thank you Geoff, I wasn't sure when the numerals changed, but it may help if I phone the Southport Office and explain to them the image that I have. Margaret


Montmorency Report 8 Jul 2004 22:39

I think it's Thirza, which was fashionable round about then. Name books treat it as a different name from Theresa, but it wouldn't be a difficult switch


Geoff Report 8 Jul 2004 22:22

1851 was the last year for Roman numerals - the 1a, 3b, 10c etc started in 1852.


Unknown Report 8 Jul 2004 22:20

Hi Margaret Aha! Found it - yes you are correct, the reference is vol XXII, page 662. I put the magnifier on and it looks like 'Therizah' - it was the 'z' that threw me earlier! Hope this helps. And how funny you should have been talking to Richard - I've just been on the phone to my brother! All still going very well and heading for our first 'anniversary' in September !! Best wishes, Mandy xx


Unknown Report 8 Jul 2004 22:14

Hi Mandy. How are You? OK I hope. Have just been talking to Richard!! Now I'm back. The page I have printed some time ago, is handwritten and also handwritten on the top of the page is SEP 1850 Births. I-KIN, then it lists a load of names from various parts of the country. It doesn't look like Theresa it looks like THERIZER Ibbotson. I had just presumed that it had been spelt wrongly. Then it says SHEFFIELD XXII 662. I did send for a cert before I got this but it wasn't the right father. her father is Henry Ibbotson and he was born Sheffield too. The one they sent me was Ecclesfield, which is near to Sheffield and another father. They very kindly refunded my money when I sent it back! Thanks Ros, Yes I had looked further backwards and forwards before 1849 but couldn't find anything either. I really would like this info as it would help me with going further back on Theresa's side of the family. I have amarriage cert for them in sheffield so I know the father's names is correct. Thanks folks, Margaret

Rosalind in Madeira

Rosalind in Madeira Report 8 Jul 2004 21:35

Hi Margaret, I had a look on the images on freeBMD and it is not on in the September Quarter. I haven't looked in the others. Ros


Unknown Report 8 Jul 2004 21:21

Margaret, I can't find Theresa on the 3rd or 4th quarters of 1850 on 1837online! Perhaps you have mistyped something, if you can check and let me know, I'll go and look again. Hope that didn't sound rude, didn't mean it to be!!! Mandy :)


Unknown Report 8 Jul 2004 21:11

Hi Margaret, hope you're keeping well! I sent for one cert the other day, it was the first one I'd seen using Roman numerals and was XX. I put this in on the online order and when it came back, it was actually in a different volume but they still sent me the right cert. However, I've got some 1837 credits so I will just nip across and check for you. Best wishes, Mandy xx


Unknown Report 8 Jul 2004 20:57

Thanks Kate. Margaret


Twinkle Report 8 Jul 2004 20:55

Maybe it hasn't been transcribed by FreeBMD or Ancestry. If you found it on1837online, then you can trust it to use to order the certificate.


Unknown Report 8 Jul 2004 20:52

Hi Kate, Nope - that doesn't do anything either. I thought that Sheffield was 9c so I put that in with the page no. 662, but still nothing!! Most frustrating. Margaret


Twinkle Report 8 Jul 2004 20:42

XXII = 22. Try that and see if you have more success.


Unknown Report 8 Jul 2004 20:40

I have a copy of the page for Theresa Ibboton's birth in Sheffield in Sept 1850. The Vol is XXII and the Page is 662. I have tried putting this into Ancestry and FreeBMD but nothing comes up!! I think this is my great grandmother's birth and would like clarification of this before I send for cert. She is not showing if I just put in her name and approx dob onto FreeBMD or Ancestry. I got this page from 1837Online some time ago and my credits ran out before I could search further. Can sks please help me?? Margaret