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14 day free tial

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DWJ Report 10 Jul 2004 23:21

hi has anyone ever used the free 14 day trial on & then cancelled credit card ? Do they cancel when asked if you try to cancel before the 14 days free trial David


Barbara Report 10 Jul 2004 23:35

HI David people have had mixed reactions to this. I tried the trial and at the time it was of no use to me so I wrote and they cancelled it no problem. Others have not been so lucky. Babs


DWJ Report 10 Jul 2004 23:47

thanks babs will have to think about it then david


Gerry Report 11 Jul 2004 00:04

David I used a free trial and I liked it so much I almost bought the company :-)). I find Ancestry very useful and have not regretted my subscription.


Unknown Report 11 Jul 2004 08:23

Hi David I've seen people's messages on here before about this, and it seems that if you cancel before the 14 days are up you're okay - but if you leave it until day 14 it's more difficult. However, I thought that the annual subscription of £70 works out at less than £6 per month so I'd join ... and I haven't regretted it, I've found loads of rellies and interesting info from the censuses. Mandy :))

Sue (Sylvia Z )

Sue (Sylvia Z ) Report 11 Jul 2004 08:33

Hi David, I have recently used the 14 day free trial. I'm thinking about subscribing. I cancelled several days before my time was up, I couldn't get through on the phone number quoted, so sent an e-mail spelling out exactly what I was cancelling and asking them to acknowledge receipt of the e-mail and cancellation, which they did. Hope this is helpful. Sue


Irene Report 11 Jul 2004 08:49

Hi I never thought Ancestry would help, a cousin of mine tried it but just for the British side. Now the 1901, 1891 & 1871 censuses are being put on it is a great help. The fact that you can check out the families on the census page before you save it is great. 1901 is much better than the british 1901 the spelling is more accurate anyway. This I have found on several of mine. I know 1901 and the 1871 are not complete yet but they are adding to it all the time. This also makes sense as you don't get everyone loging on at the same time. It is well worth the money just for the census details, when you think of all the time you could spent in London or your local records centre just looking for them. They also have the same details as freebmd, the difference being when you are searching for Mary Smith it will bring up Ann Mary Smith, or Mary Jane Smith but I think you can access this side without paying to join. If you don't have much family yet to hunt on the census then it may pay you to wait until you have more information on your families. When you have more Aunts, Uncles, Siblings and grandparents it makes it very worth while joining Ancestry. At the moment I am waiting for the Hampshire 1871 census to be done. This is one I have been waiting for but I have plenty to keep me busy until then. Irene


DWJ Report 11 Jul 2004 17:29

Thanks for all the replies I think I will sign on it does sound worth it thanks everboby & good luck with your trees David


John Report 11 Jul 2004 19:09

I can't see where it says anything about a 14 day trial on the site. I want to sign up for a year, but a few days free will be nice. Is it best to sign up on the UK or USA site? Can anyone point me in the right direction please?


Unknown Report 11 Jul 2004 19:26

John, I seem to remember that you have to start the process of logging in first before the free trial offer comes up (sorry memory a bit hazy, but I know it doesn't show on the opening screen). I went for the UK one to make absolutely sure that I wasn't signing up for the US information, but it would definitely be a good idea to pay in dollars and get it cheaper. A few weeks ago, I paid £70. Mandy :)


John Report 12 Jul 2004 10:44

Thanks for your help. I joined this morning for $117.44 (c£63.00). Got 14 day trial too. I have already found a lot of of info from 1871 Northumberland census.


coolnan Report 12 Jul 2004 23:26

John, how long was this subscription for that cost you £63?

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy Report 13 Jul 2004 01:35

David, I registered for this the other day. If you are in the .com home page, click on 'help' in top right of screen - type 'cancel' in the search tips field and it will bring up a list of topics - i think item no.2 was how to cancel free trial subs. Anita


John Report 13 Jul 2004 09:19

Barbara, one year.


Heather Report 13 Jul 2004 10:22

I was nervous about this but as someone else said, I liked it so much I decided to pay monthly and I believe you can give a months notice to pack it in. I think for the cost it is a great help. I have to say I have found some transcription errors and if you have doubts at least you can check out the actual image and see where they have gone wrong. I have done this about a dozen times now, especially ages and occasional name spelt totally wrong. I spent about a tenner on 1837 and didnt find one entry that was relevant! Another £30 went on 1901, so this seems a good deal and you can fiddle about for hours looking for vague guess work (which have thrown up the right connections!). You wouldnt do that if you were paying per unit. I also think the Mormon site is terrific for earlier material.