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JillyWilly Report 30 Jul 2004 17:51

Hi all, Don't know if this will help anyone, I sent for the birth cert for Mary Jane RICE, thinking she was mine but was unlucky, I just can't seem to find her. The biggest bug bear is that while I was looking on the 1861 census on Freecen and I found all the family for the wrong Mary Jane. The details are---- born April 1855 to George RICE & Harriet (formerly HOBSGROVE) in CREDITON DEVON. My Mary Jane's parents are Charles & MaryAnn (nee COLLINGS) I hope she turns up somewhere as they will soon be running out of certs for her. Jill


McDitzy Report 30 Jul 2004 18:04

What info do you have on her? Is it from a census? From a marriage certificate? Chloe


JillyWilly Report 30 Jul 2004 21:22

Hi Chloe It's from her birth cert and info from the 1861 census that I have.But she is not my Mary Jane. The Mary Jane I want was also born in Devon, I have her parents marriage dated 1854 and I've searched each year from 1853 to 1863 for her birth but no luck. I have Mary Jane's marriage cert to John KING in 1882 and she was down as 21yrs old, but I still can't find her.Never mind maybe one day. Jill


Crista Report 30 Jul 2004 21:44

Jill, Do you have her in 1881 or any other census? Can you post the details? Crista


McDitzy Report 30 Jul 2004 22:30

Where were her parents born (according to 1861)? Chloe


McDitzy Report 30 Jul 2004 22:44

On the 1891 - is she living in Bristol with husband and kids?


JillyWilly Report 31 Jul 2004 15:51

Hi Crista & Chloe This is where it get's complicated. My Mary Jane's mother was married to Charles RICE in 1854 her maiden name was COLLINGS,she became a widow and remarried in 1867 to Cornelius Richard ACKLAND, both weddings took place in Devon. On the 1881 census I have Mary Jane aged 20yrs with Richard Ackland and her mother Mary Ann living in Bristol. 1882 Mary Jane marrys John KING using her name as Ackland On the 1891 & 1901 she is still in Bristol with John and their children. On all the census it says born in Devon, I have searched for her birth under ACKLAND and RICE in Devon but can't find a match, The only other thing I have just thought of is maybe she was born somwhere else as if her father was Charles RICE he was in the Royal Marines. I have all the certs and census to prove she is mine.She is my G.Grandmother and my brick wall. Thanks, Jill


McDitzy Report 31 Jul 2004 16:40

Is this the family in 1871? Name Age in 1871 Birthplace Relationship Civil Parish County/Island View Census? Elizabeth Ackland 19 Plymouth Daughter St Andrew Devon Mary A Ackland 25 Devonport Wife St Andrew Devon Mary Jane Ackland 11 Plymouth Daughter St Andrew Devon Richard Ackland 36 Great Torrington, Devon, England Head St Andrew Devon Seems a bit odd though..... Was Cornelius a widower when he married? Just a suggestion, have you tried looking under the mother's maiden name for birth?? It's the only thing you seem to have not done. There are some on FreeBMD but you might be better off looking on 1837. Found one that might be a possible: Births Mar 1859 ----------------------------------------------------- COLLINGS Mary Jane Plymouth 5b 255


JillyWilly Report 31 Jul 2004 22:17

Hi Chloe Yes that's the family I didn't have that info on them. As for the birth year you gave I might try it, but I can't understand why Mary Ann should go back to her maiden name for her daughter, funny family I've got but it's worth a try. If it's right then Mary Ann went from her birth name of COLLINGS to RICE in 1854 then when she was widowed back to COLLINGS then in 1867 to ACKLAND the name which her daughter Mary Jane took when she was about 6yrs old. I hope I havn't muddled you as much as I've muddled myself. Thanks for your help. Jill


Crista Report 1 Aug 2004 02:24

Jill, When did Charles die? Perhaps if Mary Jane were born after he died, Mary Ann registered the birth under her maiden name. What are her ages in 1891 and 1901? Crista


J Report 1 Aug 2004 13:05

Any unwanted or wanted certificates can be added to the hundeds of others on the site. There's a forum too where requests for help can be posted. MAKE SURE that you type out the bdm bit in lower case as sometimes I forget and lose it. Jill


JillyWilly Report 1 Aug 2004 14:43

Hi Crista Mary Jane age's were- 11yrs-1871 21yrs-1881 30yrs-1891 39yrs-1901 I first looked for her birth in 1860 then I went back and fore either way looking under Rice Ackland and Collings. If her birth was registered under Collings I can't understand why as when her mother remarried she used her widowed name of Rice. She has me stumped but I think it's staring me in the face. Thanks. Jill. _____________ Hi Jill Yes I do put all my cert's that are mistakes on that site, and I do have a few. Thanks Jill (that was funny that to Jill from Jill)


Marcie Report 1 Aug 2004 17:59

hi jill have sent you an e-mail regarding address of unwanted certificates marcie x


JillyWilly Report 3 Aug 2004 14:33

Hi Yvonne Thanks for looking but I have that one and it's the wrong parents, I've looked and sent for five diffrent one's from the1837site and not one matched. Thats without the other surnames that I tried,Thanks anyway, Jill