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Tips for 1st visit to Records Office

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Irene Report 12 Aug 2004 22:01

Hi If you have a library card or a readers card you can take that. Ask if they have any Transcribed records for the parish first that can save a bit of time. Irene


MaggyfromWestYorkshire Report 12 Aug 2004 20:41

Kate, My best tip is, if you wear them, take your reading glasses and wear them! Went to the library myself the other day, didn't wear my glasses all the time (don't like wearing them) and have now got a very blood-shot eye, due to eye strain. That's one lesson that I have learned. Maggy


Unknown Report 12 Aug 2004 18:20

Kate I am hoping to visit there myself later, so when you have been I would appreciate your comments. Thanks LN


Kate Report 12 Aug 2004 18:01

Thanks for all your excellent advice. Brenda - I will let you know how I get on and as I am sure it will not be the only visit I make perhaps I might see you there in Oct! Yes, Judith it is the one at the Forum. I have booked a fiche (I think!) for a couple of hours. The staff have been so helpful and I haven't even got there yet. and Geoff, I promise not to whistle!!


Judith Report 12 Aug 2004 15:48

Hi Kate, Are you going to the Local History Library in the Forum? Its brilliant, I went there a few weeks ago to do some research for a friend and they were so friendly and helpful. I wasn't asked for ID but did need money for a locker as you can't take bags into the research area, also for the copying machines. I was looking at parish records on microfiche- all very easy to find. Judith


Geoff Report 12 Aug 2004 14:51

Find out what the rules are BEFORE you get there. There may be limits on the size of pad/notebook you can take into the search room. Pencils only. No sweets probably. No whistling. If you must swear, do it quietly. You may find that some censuses are in the Records Office and others in the main library. Find out before you go. You MAY not require protographs, but if it's your first visit you will certainly need some form of ID.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 12 Aug 2004 14:28

Great advice from the others here. I find the old fashioned exercise books useful if I am looking for more than one surname in a parish. You can put the surname in capitals in the margin and it's easy to pick them out when you are back home. Don't forget to record where you've looked even if it's a negative find. It will save you time on a 2nd visit. Spend your time gathering information and not sorting it out. Save that for at home.Enjoy your day!


Phoenix Report 12 Aug 2004 14:16

There are (at least) three online catalogues for records at the NRO: A2A, NOAH and NORCAT. Search them all for anything documents that might be useful and check that the Record Office can produce them. Norfolk ought to be ok, but some ROs require notice for documents held offsite. If you can order documents in advance, do so. No matter how long we've been researching, it takes all of us time to get used to the system in a new RO, so don't expect to do too much on a first visit. How about letting us know how you got on? I'm going to Norwich in October and will be a new girl all over again.


Guinevere Report 12 Aug 2004 14:09

Hi, It's a while since I was at Norwich RO but I needed a pound coin for a locker to put my purse, phone etc in. Gwynne


Sidami Report 12 Aug 2004 13:46

Hi Kate, for the one at Lincoln you do need to take some sort of identification plus two photo's of yourself. Sue


Kate Report 12 Aug 2004 13:43

Thank you all - I have telephone Norwich already and found them most helpful. Off to buy a magnifying glass...... What was it I use to do before I started researching my family - oh yes I remember - clean the house and feed the children!!!

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){

}((((*> Jeanette The Haddock <*)))){ Report 12 Aug 2004 13:36

Hi Kate Good answers from Brian there. Also take some change incase you want photocopies. The records Offices don't always sell food and drink so bear this in mind. And don't be afraid to ask the staff anything you want to know. They are usually very helpful and can put you on to other records you wouldn't have thought they had. And most of all enjoy yourself. I'm sure you will and you'll soon be booking yourself in again. Jeanette


Daniel Report 12 Aug 2004 13:31

Make sure they know you are coming. Some offices only let you in by appointment.


BrianW Report 12 Aug 2004 13:30

Take pencils, a pencil sharpener and a note pad and a folder to put sheets in when completed plus a magnifying glass. Decide who you are going to try to trace and take notes with you of as much information as you already posess on those persons. Make a note of which records you check so you don't duplicate your work on a subsequent visit.


Kate Report 12 Aug 2004 13:23

On Saturday I am off to Norwich for my first visit to a Research Library. It holds parish records, census etc etc. What tips can you offer me so that I can make it as productive a time as possible, please. Thanks