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1881census, is it complete on LDS?

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Gloria Report 24 Aug 2004 17:34

Hi there, I have searched and searched the 1881 census, but canot find my ancestors. I have found them on 1871, 1891 and 1901. Looking for Koster/Coster living in St. George in the East, London. John Coster, wife Ellen, children:- Henry b. 1862, Daniel b. 1864, Diedrich b.1866, Claus b.1870 Frederick b. 1874. The older girls have probably left home,they were Margaret b. 1856, Ellen b.1860 Do hope someone can help


Phoenix Report 24 Aug 2004 17:39

Yes, it is complete, but it's not perfect by a long chalk. Transcriptions were done by individual family history societies, but some were better than others and in some cases the work was subbed out to prisoners etc. The work was supposed to have been checked, but there are still some very strange names on it. Brenda


Shan Report 24 Aug 2004 17:44

Hi think these are yours Shan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability Johan COOTER Head M Male 54 Germany Skin Dyer Ellen COOTER Wife M Female 43 Shadwell, Middlesex, England Ellen COOTER Daur U Female 21 St Geo East, Middlesex, England Umbrella Maker Henry COOTER Son U Male 19 St Geo East, Middlesex, England Labourer Daniel COOTER Son Male 17 St Geo East, Middlesex, England Cork Cutter Diedrich COOTER Son Male 15 St Geo East, Middlesex, England Cork Cutter Claus (Clanse) COOTER Son Male 9 St Geo East, Middlesex, England Scholar Frederick COOTER Son Male 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Dwelling 13 Pinchin St Census Place London, Middlesex, England Family History Library Film 1341098 Public Records Office Reference RG11 Piece / Folio 0451 / 57 Page Number 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Shan Report 24 Aug 2004 20:16


Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 24 Aug 2004 21:59

Shan how do you do that? Whenever I look for my missing lot I can never find them. I've got 2 lots I can't find on 1881.


Geoff Report 24 Aug 2004 22:53

Janet If you has a Claus and a Diedrich I bet you could find 'em!

An Olde Crone

An Olde Crone Report 25 Aug 2004 00:58

In my experience its not complete, or at least, not accurate. I searched endlessly for my rellies, but gave up in the end. Then someone offered a look up and found them (from a CD). I couldnt believe how I could have missed them so searched by address given to me from the CD info - on the LDS 1881 that address was "house uninhabited".


Shan Report 25 Aug 2004 07:45

Your right geoff, still looking for my James and sophia bunyan from 1891 still cant find em but can find almost anybody else Shan


Margaret Report 25 Aug 2004 13:01

Transcribing is somewhat dubious in places- e.g. Elizabeth McGrults instead of McGrath!!


Shan Report 25 Aug 2004 23:45

Just nudging in case Gloria missed it Shan


Cougarjo Report 25 Aug 2004 23:59

Shan If you want to put your bunyans details on here (I know you probably have done before but I'm quite new on here) then maybe we could have a look for you. I'm sure if you haven't been successful then we probably won't be too (as I know you're good at this!) but it could be worth another shot. I hope this doesn't offend you :) Joanne


Gloria Report 26 Aug 2004 17:05

Message for Shan. EUREKA, You found my rellies. No wonder I could not find them. There I was looking for Koster/Coster and they were under the name of Cooter. Thanks so very much Shan, now I can add these people to the 'Lost Couisons' website.


Shan Report 26 Aug 2004 19:29

Gloria your welcome, glad i was of help Regards Shan


Pam Report 26 Aug 2004 20:46

Hello again Shan, You were so helpful to me by finding my John Boon on the 1861 census. If you ever come across him on the 1881 census I would be so grateful. I have found his mother Harriett and sisters Emma, Elizabeth, Ellen and Jane living in Peckham,London but can't find John or his father John anywhere. I have tried every permutation of the Boon spelling I can think of without success. John senior was born c1833, probably in Brighton and John junior was born c1857 also Brighton. John senior was a painter/coach painter and John junior a fruit hawker/costermonger/greengrocer by trade I think. Please don't put yourself out in any way to look for them but if you come across any likely candidates I would be very interested. Many thanks..................Pam