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Llamedos Report 24 Aug 2004 18:00

Is there a member who can advise why I get the message 'page cannot be found' when I make a search on Genes Connected? Also, how do I overcome this problem? David


Norah-Lynne Report 24 Aug 2004 18:05

I have a similar problem - I either get that page, or - as I am trying to upload my tree - a message box saying that my name cannot be found in the GEDCOM - which is rubbish. I tried technical support yesterday to no avail - have you tried cleaning out your cache/cookies? Hope you resolve your problem - I'm about to ship mine out to another system after two days (one that works!) Norah


Rosemary Report 24 Aug 2004 18:20

I'm finding the same. On Saturday, every time I went to the next page on a board, or changed sections the page not found came up. Everything moves so slowly too. I'm sure it wasn't this slow before the site changed. Rosemary(Essex)


Ted Report 24 Aug 2004 18:28

DAVID, hi. you havnt by any chance just installed NORTON INTERNET SECURIITY 2004 by any chance? If you have I might be able to help. TED


Margaretfinch Report 24 Aug 2004 18:40

Hi All I get the same problem also when i am looking at a page and go on to another it comes up error page cannot be found I know NOTHING about computers and don't know what to do HELP PLEASE Margaret


Judy Report 24 Aug 2004 18:56

Fixing “Website Can’t Be Found” and other Site Error Messages More than likely you have trouble with accessing quite a few sites.....particularly getting the message "website can't be found" among a few other error messages. Try the following and it should solve your problem. 1. Go to START. 2. Click on CONTROL PANEL. 3. Click on INTERNET OPTIONS. 4. Change NUMBER OF DAYS TO KEEP IN HISTORY to “0” and click APPLY 5. A box appears with tabs labeled across the top. Click on ADVANCED. 6. Scroll down to the sub-heading SECURITY. 7. Make sure the following has check marks next to it: Use USE SSL 2.0, USE SSL 3.0 and USE TLS 1.0. 8. Also make sure you check off EMPTY TEMPORARY INTERNET FILE WHEN BROWSER IS CLOSED. More than likely USE TLS 1.0 is not checked of and it should be. This will give you the error messages, as well as a few others, that will prevent you from viewing web sites and the error you are getting. Make sure you empty your cookies cache as well as temporary internet files once in a while, too, as this slows down your computer and these folders also tend to "remember" the error and will sometimes continue to bring up the error page until you empty these folders.


Rosemary Report 25 Aug 2004 12:53

Judy in the States, Many thanks for your very lucid set of instructions. I have been having such a dreadful time with pages not being available. Have emptied my cookies, but could find nothing even vaguely like SSL or TLS. Never mind, clearing the cookies seem to have worked. I have accessed this site without any problem and added to my tree, as well as browsing the boards for a few minutes. Everything is now working brilliantly. Oh to know more about a computer's internal workings. Thanks again, Rosemary(Essex)


Llamedos Report 5 Sep 2004 20:26

Thanks to Judy in the US, and everyone who has tried to help me. Problem now solved. David


Joy Report 5 Sep 2004 21:16

It sometimes happens in the evening when the site is overloaded. It has been reported. Joy


Judy Report 7 Sep 2004 01:42

"Site Overload" "or "Server is Busy" is often the reason one can't access a web page but, unless the TLS 1.0 is changed in your settings you'll be unable to access a lot of different web pages....none the wiser as most are unaware that the change in setting needs to be done. Judy :)


Joy Report 7 Sep 2004 10:40

btw we don't have problems with any other sites - only this one! Joy


Stardust Report 7 Sep 2004 14:19

Having read the different problems, I myself have been unable to access anything other than the "boards" since I became a member on 27.7.04. I have sent repeated emails to support without receiving any answers. Judy (in the USA )kindly sent me tips to follow but still no success. I know its not my computer as a couple of family members who are also members of Genesreunited have accessed the site on my comp. without any problems. Does anyone know how to contact someone responsible in Genesreunited as their "support" are definitely not supporting. Grace


Joy Report 7 Sep 2004 17:19

Grace, keep on sending a message in feedback at the end of the page. And if they don't reply, send it again, and again ... Joy