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Chris from Kent | Report | 28 Aug 2004 21:18 |
Kim That is also a possibility, I have checked and cannot find her as born in Deptford- the only one is born in St Pancras – I just think that mostly the bride married from her own town although this is obviously not the rule. It would just be my luck to be looking for a 'missing entry'. Chris |
Chris from Kent | Report | 28 Aug 2004 21:11 |
Shelia Very interesting, I wonder if Minnie and Maud could be the same. I know her daughter was born with the middle name Eliza but by the time she married she used the name Elizabeth. Again there appears there maybe two Edith Mauds just as there is two James Francis, it is certainly a possibility. Or they are one and the same? Chris |
Kim | Report | 28 Aug 2004 21:08 |
I have read on these boards before that there are "missing entries" on 1837 indexes and that some data was lost between the local register office and the main gro office.And some data was never sent. So just because it's not in the index doesn't mean they didn't marry. It may be in the local parish records, or local register office. Kim |
Chris from Kent | Report | 28 Aug 2004 20:55 |
Victoria I haven’t found them on a census as married yet. I would have to wait for the 1911 for that. I am just presuming they married around the time of their children. Chris |
Chris from Kent | Report | 28 Aug 2004 20:53 |
Thanks Judith, I have searched the 1837 and sent off for one possible but it came back not the right groom. I have searched a lot of them but not 50. So maybe that’s the way to go! Chris |
Unknown | Report | 28 Aug 2004 13:05 |
Name: Hickling, Edith Minnie Record Type: Births Quarter: December Year: 1878 District: Pancras County: London Middlesex Volume: 1b Page: 143 |
Victoria | Report | 28 Aug 2004 09:46 |
chris where did you get the info they were married from. i had a similar problem in 1901 census has a couple as married in 1891 they are single and at home with parents. i searched through 10 yrs of marriages on 1837 and the names do not cross match at all so i widened my search and still cant find it so i have to presume that they didnt actually marry just put them selves down as married on the census. |
Judith | Report | 28 Aug 2004 08:00 |
According to the GRO site if you ask for a search with names, place and approxiamte date given they search three years, ie the year you quote and one either side. You can ask for additional 3 year searches for an additional search fee. If you paid £5 to search the indexes online at www.1837online(.)com you would be able to view 50 pages - I just checked and there are 42 possible pages for HICKLING between June 1901 and December 1909 |
Chris from Kent | Report | 28 Aug 2004 02:51 |
Hi Nell The first known child was my Grandmother Amelia and she was born in Deptford. But there was a daughter Maud who I believe was older then Amelia. I have tried 1837 for marriages and bdm. Which is why I wondered how long a search you could request when asking for a marriage certificate. Just to make life interesting there are 2 possible James Scotts in Deptford born the same year – I am going to order both certs but of course if I could get the marriage cert I would find out for sure the Fathers names. Chris |
Chris from Kent | Report | 28 Aug 2004 02:43 |
Thank you Judy and Ester. This is the same Edith that I have found but the info I have received from family members is that Edith had to their knowledge 3 sisters Daisy, Ivy and Elsie and a brother James (two of the sisters lived in Virginia Waters together before they died) and I cant see why they wouldn’t be on the census too. The sad part about this is that Edith and James Francis (Frank) were my Great Grandparents and I knew them when I was young. Thanks again Chris |
Unknown | Report | 28 Aug 2004 00:12 |
You say where else can you search? Where have you looked? Have you found a baptism for the 1909 child and checked the church marriage register? Have you gone through the GRO register? nell |
Judy | Report | 27 Aug 2004 22:05 |
Appears, age wise, information above that Esta and I found are the same person. Judy :) |
Esta | Report | 27 Aug 2004 22:02 |
Christine I had a quick look for Edith Maud Hickling in 1901 and found this as a possible. If it is her then she must of got married after 1901 - Just a thought, don't know if it helps !! Edith M Hickling 22 St Pancras, London, England Daughter Paddington London George Hickling 28 St Pancras, London, England Son Paddington London Jane E Hickling 56 Pimlico, London, England Wife Paddington London William Hickling 68 Marylebone, London, England Head Paddington London Esta :) |
Judy | Report | 27 Aug 2004 22:02 |
Hope this helps some..... 1881 Census: Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability William HICKLING Head M Male 48 Marylebone, Middlesex, England Pianoforte Maker Jane E. HICKLING Wife M Female 36 Pimlico, Middlesex, England Frederick H.W. HICKLING Son Male 12 St Pancras, Middlesex, England Scholar George HICKLING Son Male 8 St Pancras, Middlesex, England Scholar Edith M. HICKLING Daur Female 2 St Pancras, Middlesex, England Jane BROWN Mother W Female 59 Wem, Shropshire, England -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Chris from Kent | Report | 27 Aug 2004 21:54 |
I have been trying to find the marriage of James Francis SCOTT and Edith Maud HICKLING. They had a child in 1909, although there was possibly one before this (all children born in Deptford). I believe Edith to have come from St Pancras. I am so stuck on this family. Question is: how long a search can I request when ordering a marriage certificate. Where else can I look for this elusive marriage. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Chris |