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Ann | Report | 4 Oct 2004 21:04 |
I agree with what you say Kathleen. I found a message on the trying to find board, looking for family members. It was a second cousins daughter, cousins we had lost touch with but not forgotten. I contacted her and we exchanged a few messages. I found photo's of her Grandad and Grandma, Father and Uncles which i was going to send. She was going to tell her Dad and contact me again. Not heard a word since, despite more messages from me......... I can only assume that her family don't want to know. She has also done nothing more with her tree. Why bother in the first place. P.S Just to say thank you to everybody i have had help from in the past in case i have forgotten to do that. Ann |
Carol | Report | 4 Oct 2004 20:46 |
I agree with you about capitals, but remember, some people use the board at work, and their keyboard is geared to type in capitals only. I know its the people with the heavy finger on the caps lock key that you mean, and it is hard to read, especially a long post. OK to put surnames in capitals, then they stand out from the rest of the message. |
Twinkle | Report | 4 Oct 2004 19:16 |
Another ettiquette tip: Don't TYPE IN CAPITALS because (a) it's shouting and (b) it's blimmin' hard to read anything longer than a couple of sentences. |
KathleenBell | Report | 4 Oct 2004 18:31 |
Hi Rosalyn, I've done the same thing several times over. I can only imagine that the people are no longer members of GR or that the email they get from GR to tell them they have a message is going straight to their spam folder. I can't think of any other reason why people don't reply after putting their tree's on here. Kath |
CATHKIN | Report | 4 Oct 2004 18:25 |
I have contacted several people with the same names that are in my tree and they don`t even reply to say that we`re not related-even just to say that they have read the message would be nice. Rosalyn |
Sam | Report | 4 Oct 2004 16:51 |
Lyla, Thats a good idea - if only I had thought of that before! I don't usually mind doing things for other people as I would hope that if I ever needed it wsomeone would do the same for me. In future I will get their e-mail address first! Sam |
AnninGlos | Report | 4 Oct 2004 16:20 |
Sam try again to contact them in case they didn't get the message or were on holiday. with the new way of sending messages, if you are on holiday and come back to a long list of e mails the GR ones easily get confused with junk male so they could have inadvertently deleted it. Or you could put a direct message on this board for the person. Ann Glos |
Researching: |
Sam | Report | 4 Oct 2004 16:07 |
I agree totally. After posting on the thread offering to look round your local graveyard, I had a message from someone asking me if I would be kind enough to take a photograph of a church that was near to where I lived. After driving up there a couple of times, trying to get decent weather/a day when there were no gangs of youths standing outside, I took a couple of pictures. I then sent a message to the person who had requested the pics to ask for their e-mail address to send them to, they never bothered to reply! WHY ask me to spend my time taking pictures and then not reply to messages so I can send them? I think it is really rude and has made me feel like not helping anyone else in case I get the same happening again. Most people on this site are very good at replying and do say thanks but the odd one or two spoil it for everyone. Sam |
Geoff | Report | 4 Oct 2004 15:45 |
If you want to find a thread that you have contributed to, but which you cannot find, click on "View your threads only" at the top of the message list. When you find the thread, it will only have your replies to it. Click "View all replies" at the top of the thread and you will see everything. |
Star | Report | 4 Oct 2004 14:34 |
Hello Carol, i always make a point of saying thank you to some one who does a look up for me but i dont always have time when i get the info to check if it is the correct info straight away, so sometimes when i go back to find my thread it can be several pages away so assume that the person doing the looking up for me might not be interested by then. I never mean to offend anyone, and there are some of us who would never get very far sometimes without you kind folk looking up for us. Some of us do appreciate your help. Cherry |
Lorraine (Lorr) | Report | 4 Oct 2004 14:23 |
Carol - I requested some look ups the other day on some threads and stupidly forgot which threads I'd added to, just call me silly. Now I write it down but I wonder if the person did the same? Luv lorr x x x |
Ramblin Rose | Report | 4 Oct 2004 14:04 |
I know how you feel Carol,it is a bit like waiting back for someone driving on the other side of the road to go first and they don't even acknowledge you are there. I spend my whole summer yelling through my open window at tourists'Well say thankyou then' They must think that Dorset is populated by mad women Rose |
Carol | Report | 4 Oct 2004 13:57 |
After doing a look up for someone, a bit of feedback would be nice. Not that I want a show of gratitude, but it would be nice to know if I have found the right person or not. I am not talking about others, as they could have been contacted personally as I have been before. |