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Still need computer help please

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Shirlock Report 7 Oct 2004 20:29

Hello Bob Thank you for letting me know that. I will see if I can get it sorted tomorrow. Cheers Shirley


BobClayton Report 7 Oct 2004 20:24

The error is a basic one. You can get the same sort of message with the floppy drive. I would change the CD Drive. Even cd/rw drives are quite cheap. I just changed one in 5 mins so some shops may put one in for you for free. If your CD is like mine it will install ancestry view software or similar. I think your drive is struggling/failing. Bob


Shirlock Report 7 Oct 2004 20:00

Hi Anne I don't think it's the CDs. I have had a problem with a couple of others too. I just wondered if I should get my Comp checked out. Shirley


Anne Report 7 Oct 2004 19:56

Shirley, If they're new CDs and your sister can get at them I would get in touch with S&N about it. They may have sent them in a different format or something? Come to think of it, it was an S&N one that didn't work for me, but there was a long story attached to why I couldn't contact them about it. Anne


Shirlock Report 7 Oct 2004 19:34

Hello Judy I did download some critical update some time ago. But, I can't remember what it was. I have done what you suggested but, all I can find about multimedia when I scroll down is this. JIT compiler for virtual machine enabled (requires restart) multimedia. it did have a tick next to it. I did not see anything about CDs. Shirley


Judy Report 7 Oct 2004 19:15

If you've downloaded the Microsoft SP2 critical udpate, it may have changed a few things in your settings. To see: 1. Click on START 2. Click on CONTROL PANEL 3 Click on INTERNET OPTIONS 4. A box with labeled tabs at the top appears. Click on ADVANCED tab. 5. Scroll down to subheading MULTIMEDIA and make sure that the following has a check mark off in front of it. * Allow active content from CDs to run on my computer. If you need to mark this off, make sure aterwards you click on APPLY and OK. J


Shirlock Report 7 Oct 2004 18:10

Hello Jonathan and Robert Thanks for you help. They are CDs of Parish Registers I received from S&N . My sister can access them with no problem. I will have to find out how to copy them now then. Thanks for all your help. Shirley


BobClayton Report 7 Oct 2004 17:24

The "device" is the drive you are trying to access and the message shows that is can't access it . It is a good idea as Anne said to make a copy and try that. Some copiers can actually correct errors on the original disks and different brands work better than others. Bob

Jonathan B

Jonathan B Report 7 Oct 2004 17:18

Actually, are they CD-RW (RE-writable CDs)? If yes then they'll only work on a CD-RW drive. Jonathan

Jonathan B

Jonathan B Report 7 Oct 2004 17:15

Try some other CDs in the drive and see what happens - might be a hardware problem. Jonathan


Shirlock Report 7 Oct 2004 16:56

Hello Heather Thanks for the tip but, I still keep getting the same message. even if I go into my computer. I hope it's something simple. I have been waiting ages to look at these CDs. Thanks Shirley


Heather Report 7 Oct 2004 16:51

Hi, know its sounds daft, but try putting the CD in after you have called it up on the pc. I know I kept getting a similar message if I put the CD in already. Have a go anyway.


Shirlock Report 7 Oct 2004 16:50

Hi Anne Thanks for your help but, I have just received these CDs. My sister can get them up perfectly on her comp. I hope someone can help me out here. Thanks Shirley


Anne Report 7 Oct 2004 16:00

I'm no expert but I think it happens sometimes when a CD is a bit dirty. You could try wiping it gently - apparently you have to do it outwards like the spokes of a wheel. The other thing I did was to try the CD on another computer if you can. The one I use seems to be a bit sensitive but my husband's work computer was fine. He burnt me a new CD and that one works. (Suppose it was illegal, but there you go!!!) Anne


Shirlock Report 7 Oct 2004 15:16

Hello Can anyone help please. Some of my CDs are not working properly. When I put the CD in and go into either windows explorer or into Adobe reader 5.0 I keep getting a box come up with Exploring(C:\) D:\ not accessible The device is not ready. Please can anyone tell me what the device is? What should I be doing? It does not happen with all my CDs. Thank you Shirley.