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Why can't i download the Djvu for 1837 online?

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Tracey Report 7 Oct 2004 19:29

I'm having problems getting the djvu for 1837 online. Went to download it and nothing, and i want to get some credit!! Boo hoo :(( Can anyone help? Tracey


Maggie Report 7 Oct 2004 19:40

Hi Tracey I'm sorry I don't know about the downloading but I did purchase credits with BT click and buy - a nice sole from another site told me about this service - it means you don't need a credit card! Good luck with the downloading problem - I haven't tried that myself yet so wish me luck too!

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 7 Oct 2004 19:50

Hello What sort of computer are you using? I use a Mac, and had a great deal of trouble sorting it out at first with the techies at the software producers (Lizard or something - can't find the e-mails to check back). Eventually we realised that I needed to include the suffix ".djvu" when I chose a name at the point of saving. After that it all worked very well. If you are having problems, I'd go to the technical support there - they're very patient! Christine


cazzabella Report 7 Oct 2004 19:52

Hi Tracy, I had problems with my first download, which got so far then seemed to lock up, and i was still waiting an hour later! I ended up downloading it 4 times before it finally appeared in tact, so keep trying if you haven't had success the first time. Also, mine just disappeared one day, for no apparent reason and I had to download it again, so there must be some quirk in the program, but it's worth the effort to keep trying. Good luck, Cazza


BrianW Report 7 Oct 2004 20:06

I had a problem initially downloading it. IIRC tech. support advised using the manual install option rather than the auto. May have had something to do with Norton anti-virus too, it was some time ago and the old memory's not what it was!


Lucky Report 7 Oct 2004 20:42

That's strange, I'm having problems too. I was testing ofr 1837 online at the weekend and saved around 20 images. I went to search through them today and nothing will let me view. I couldn't find the icon I used to have on the desktop, searched my files found some djvu files still nothing. Went to lizardtech re-downloaded. Installed thought it should be ok. Still no go everytime I click on an image to view it goes through the install set up again, this time uninstalling. I'm at a loss what to do. I had to redownload a couple of weeks back after restoring the hard disk. Never had this trouble before. Diane


Tracey Report 7 Oct 2004 21:05

I too had it once over and it's disapeared now, can't understand it. I get to the point where it says download then i end up back where i started, very frustrating. I don't want to buy credits and then not be able to view the images! I'll keep trying. Thanks everyone for your input. Tracey


Crista Report 8 Oct 2004 00:56

Tracey, Have you looked at the Help section on 1837online? Crista


Lucky Report 8 Oct 2004 09:47

I've sent an e mail to 1837 asking for help on this as I'm getting nowhere. Will let you know what answer comes back Diane


Lucky Report 8 Oct 2004 10:43

well they sent an e mail back very fast, basically giving step by step instructions that are on the site. Done all this several times already so have e mailled back and asked for more advice. It really is weird, the viewer doesn't come up on the list of programmes so it obviously ins't installing although it's saying it has. Diane


Tracey Report 9 Oct 2004 07:21

Thanks everyone, i've managed to download at last!! Yippee!! Tracey


Unknown Report 9 Oct 2004 13:16

I cant get onto 1837 site either, It apparantly has something to do with Norton and Service Pac 2. I emailed the support team and they said they were working to improve things but in the meantime I just have to wait. I dont fancy turning off all my protection just to get onto the site. I am only new to this puta business and prefer to bide on the side of caution. Mary in Sydney


Lucky Report 9 Oct 2004 13:44

My problem seems to be because I had saved them from the aol browser, whereas I normally go onto IE to access the site. It was therefore trying to open from aol and nothing was happening. Changed the properties to open with IE and everything is fine. Dianex 1837 were very quick at answering my query and came up with the answer too.