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Jeanie | Report | 21 Oct 2004 19:57 |
Where abouts should Middlesbrough appear on this, can't find it in Yorkshire. On records had a reply re dates but still cant find it. Looking for 9 Brewertons from 1877 to 1884. Found them on Tees Valley index but they dont appear on LDS. Thanks Jeanie |
McDitzy | Report | 21 Oct 2004 20:04 |
If you're talking about the IGI's, they're not a complete index and they may just not have covered the area you're looking for. |
Jeanie | Report | 21 Oct 2004 21:08 |
On UKBMD you can go into counties, it has some great info. but it looks as if they dont have Middlesbrough yet. |
Christine in Herts | Report | 21 Oct 2004 22:17 |
Have you tried It's in the list of Local BMDs on Christine |
Christine in Herts | Report | 22 Oct 2004 12:50 |
By LDS do you mean the 1881 census or the IGI? Their 1881 census transcription isn't infallible. I don't have Ancestry membership but, if you can get to see the images, I gather you can sometimes work out what the transcriptions should have been - and they're sometimes more than a little bit different! There's a similar problem with the IGI transcriptions of Parish records, coupled with the inclusion of personal info which may not be well-supported. The IGI is more of a good starting place for ideas on where to look for substantial evidence. I'd be more inclined (by a long way) to rely on the GRO or Local Office records and then try to work out how the names could have been misread. You can sometimes get round it by putting info in for someone you do know about and is possibly in the same household. Otherwise you have to start working out how the letters could have been misread from the handwriting - or mis-heard and/or misinterpreted by the enumerator! There may be others with brighter ideas who'll pick up on this when my reply nudges it back up. good hunting Christine |
Pat | Report | 22 Oct 2004 13:20 |
Jeanie A Can you tell me some of the first names? 1881 Census isnt on Ancestry. Pat x |
Jeanie | Report | 22 Oct 2004 13:36 |
Hi Pat, how are you? As you can see, I'm no longer small but perfectly formed! By looking on the deaths of teesvalley have managed to eliminate many of them!! How did these women cope with losing so many babies? Am trying to traceWilliam H Brewerton 1878 Middlesbrough, hoping father is Ben. but may be Jabez. Thanks everyone for helpfull sugestions. |
Christine in Herts | Report | 22 Oct 2004 13:37 |
Thanks for that correction, Pat. I've obviously got the wrong end of the stick. I thought I'd read, somewhere, that you can get to see the 1881 census images. Possibly you have to go to the LDS family research centres? Christine |
Pat | Report | 22 Oct 2004 13:49 |
Jeanie LOL I liked that name, as you know I cannot claim it, it would be a lie. Anyway I found them on Family History On Line details: Jabez (30)is down as the father Sarah (24)his wife and William Henry (3) thats all the Brewerton's. They are living in 34, Disraeli Street, Linthorpe, York. Jabez in the brother in law to John & Ruth Wallace.there is a load of them on the Page if you want to check they are under Yorkshire, I keyed in Williams name there should be five entries. If you are not signed up, I have saved the page. We had no luck with George Homer did we? Was I supposed to check any other years for him? See my name fits me I'm still going around in circles LOL> Pat x |
Pat | Report | 22 Oct 2004 13:52 |
Christine, Hope I didnt come across rude ??? If I did I apologise, it certainly wasn't meant. Pat x |
Christine in Herts | Report | 22 Oct 2004 13:59 |
No, No, Pat. Not at all. It's just a matter of fact, and I was guessing and got it wrong. I might decide to ask for an Ancestry subscription for Christmas and, if that had been a major criterion for the request, I'd need to know it's not well-founded. So thanks for the correction - really. Christine |
Pat | Report | 22 Oct 2004 15:42 |
Jeanie Just wondering did you get the info? Nudging this up for you. Pat x |
Twinkle | Report | 22 Oct 2004 16:15 |
I heard rumours that Ancestry had plans to put up the 1881 census, with images, but after it had finished 1871 and 1901. If it's true it sounds like it might be quite a long wait. |
Jeanie | Report | 22 Oct 2004 19:18 |
Thanks once again everyone. Hi again Pat, I was looking after 6mt old grandson, Adam, today and had sneaked on whilst he was asleep!! I was afraid jabez was the father since he is a late intruder into Middlesbrough and muddies the water!! Havent heard of Family hist. could you send me address please? Yes I am still hunting the elusive George homer but someone has given me a likely date for his wives marriage so just about to check it on 1837. Regards Jeanie |
Pat | Report | 22 Oct 2004 19:40 |
Jeanie Have emailed you. Pat x |