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What are good sites to find soldiers?

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Louise2212 Report 26 Oct 2004 14:55

i'm trying to find records for peole who served in the 1st & 2nd world war

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 26 Oct 2004 15:19

There are a few threads on this topic already somewhere in the system. I recommend that you put (separately) "soldier" "military" "army" into the thread-search slot and see what comes up. I can't remember but there may also be some on the "best websites" thread. good hunting Christine


Heather Report 26 Oct 2004 15:33

Hi, It looks like you would have to try the National Archives site for this one.


Mary Report 26 Oct 2004 17:07

I have some letters written by Captain Cyril Weller to his wife during WW1 and have tried so far without success to trace the right family and pass these letters on. I would dearly love to know who this gentleman was and where he came from it order to enable me to do this. Any suggestions will be welcome. The letters were written to addresses in Croydon and Bournemouth/ Mary


Natalie Report 26 Oct 2004 17:27

Mary There are four Cyril Wellers on the 1901 Census. Plus you could look for a marriage certificate on 1837. If you are looking for his descendents, you could put a note on the Trying To Find board. Would be lovely to learn more about him and his family. Another option might be local press, as it sounds like quite a romantic 'human interest' story. Good luck in your seach! Natalie


Mary Report 27 Oct 2004 11:54

Thanks Natalie -I've had these letters for about 20 years now, found them in an old chest of drawers I bought ! They paint such a lovely picture of the couple and how devoted they were. They're not relatives of mine so I'm loath to pay out if I don't have to - hate to sound mean but this hobby can get pricey ! Think I've done the Trying to Find board, put a thread on ages ago on the Records board, Roots Web - you name it I feel I've done it ! I'll just have to go that route again I think and live in hope ! Mary

Christine in Herts

Christine in Herts Report 27 Oct 2004 18:19

Are there any clues about his regiment? Anything to say where he was at a particular time (tricky because of censorship)? Anything to suggest where she lived so that he might be found on an absent voters list? Christine


Ian Report 27 Oct 2004 19:51

Mary, The National Archives have the medal entitlement index card for a Capt Cyril Gordon Ramsay Weller, Royal Army Service Corps. You can download it for Pnds 3.50. It will probably not tell you much (not next of kin, or family) and is more for his medal entitlement. Anyway, you now know his regiment. There appears to be no entry under his name on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website, nor on Officers Died in the Great War CD, so we can assume he survived the war. Your only chance of tracking him down is probably from his army service records held at Kew. That will entail a visit and search of records, or paying a researcher to look. Or maybe the full name above might narrow him down on the census returns? Ian


Ian Report 27 Oct 2004 20:09

Mary, Looked a bit further - see his birth (Frederic Cyril G R Weller) Dec quarter 1885, Chard. ON the 1901 census I think that makes him the 15 year old scholboy at Crewkerne, Somerset. (Guess you can anycase discount the 1 year old, and the 15 year old who is a cooper - I know it is snobby to say it, but I doubt a cooper would become an officer...). You will probably need to look on 1837 online for a marriage, but at least you have a narrower area to search. Ian


David Report 27 Oct 2004 20:10

Louise I would take them into your local Royal British Legion and see if they can help. I ran a quick search on National Archive but it didnt pick him up. Also try contacting the Ministry of Defence as they still hold many 1st WW Army Officer Records. SofS MOD Main Bldg Whitehall London It will take a while to filter to the correct dept but they should be able to help. Dave


Janet Report 27 Oct 2004 22:16

Mary If you search for relatives of Captain Cyril Weller and don't find them, do consider donating these letters to the Imperial War Museum either London or Manchester as letters from soldiers during the Great Wars are attracting a lot of human interest. If you do not want to part with the originals, either or both museums would be happy with copies. Hope you have some success without having to "fork" out but I know I would dearly love to have letters like that in my family. Janet


Mary Report 28 Oct 2004 13:59

Thank you all gor your help - I'll keep trying now I know a bit more. I had been thinking of donating them to a museum but wanted to try and find the family first. I would have loved letters like that myself. Like I said, I really don't want to pay out any money on this as Cyril isn't my relative. I'll have to set myself a time limit for trying to find the family then they'll go to a museum. Once again thank you so much for your kind help Mary


Peterkinz Report 29 Oct 2004 04:00

There are two Cyril Wellers on this site - have you tried either?


Battenburg Report 29 Oct 2004 07:06

Perhaps you can ask if anyone is going to Kew and would look up his army service records.


Mary Report 30 Oct 2004 13:24

Tried a Well a while back but I'll have another look. Now I have a bit more info on this chap who knows. Mary