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Dead Father On Marriage Certificate?
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Winifred | Report | 5 Nov 2004 23:23 |
I got married in 1972 and my Dad passed away in 1968. His name is in the Father's box, with (deceased) entered below his name. |
Valerie | Report | 5 Nov 2004 21:05 |
When I married in 1991 the registrar incorrectly wrote 'deceased' after my father's name. It was very upsetting and made worse by the fact that they had to get another registrar in to witness the new certificate so we were kept hanging around for about an hour. Mind you, I suppose it was better that I noticed it on the day - dread to think how much palaver would be involved if it had needed altering afterwards. Even officials make mistakes occasionally. |
Aileen | Report | 5 Nov 2004 17:19 |
Just to be different, on my gt grandfather's marriage certificate, the place where it states 'father' was crossed out and the word 'mother' was penned in followed by her name. I now don't know whether ggdad was born out of wedlock as his surname is the same as his mother's or whether she was a widow at the time of the marriage. As he was German it's going to be hard finding out! Aileen |
Alan | Report | 5 Nov 2004 16:29 |
My problem is the parents don't seem to have married but still registered the birth and so many people of same name will take a lifetime to check all of them out and at 67 not much time left |
Angela | Report | 3 Nov 2004 15:43 |
Yes under name and occupation of father it would say "John Smith Deceased - Farmer" or whatever. I have found that on a number of certificates. |
Unknown | Report | 1 Nov 2004 17:57 |
Justin I know it can be confusing if it states father's name and occupation when father is dead, but I wouldn't have got as far back as I have if all the fathers that were dead when their children got married were simply left off the marriage certs! NELL |
Justin | Report | 1 Nov 2004 17:47 |
Thank you all for your helpful responses. I too have some certificates where the father is named (but I know he was dead at that date). Justin |
Heather | Report | 1 Nov 2004 17:45 |
My GGF in 1868 gave father's name and occupation but he had died 2 years earlier. I assumed they had had a rift and he didnt know his dad was dead. |
BrianW | Report | 1 Nov 2004 17:43 |
I have one where it says father deceased when I wish it didn't, as that would make another wedding that of his brother and not cousin (to two sisters). Not that I can find the father's death, either before or after the weddings, mind you! |
Researching: |
Unknown | Report | 1 Nov 2004 17:43 |
On marriage certificates, the registrar would just put down the information they were given, so if nobody thought to say that their father was dead, then it wouldn't be on there! My grandfather's marriage certificate says that his father was deceased - but he was in fact illegitimate and telling a porky to save embarassment! Mandy :) |
KathleenBell | Report | 1 Nov 2004 17:35 |
I agree with Gemma. The name should still be there with 'deceased' after it. However sometimes the name is there and not the word 'deceased'. It just depends on who was giving the information. If they were just asked for fathers name they might not remember to mention the fact that he had died. No one ever said family history was going to be an easy hobby - I know my ancestors liked to make things difficult!! Kath. x |
Diane | Report | 1 Nov 2004 17:34 |
Yes there name would stiil be on the cit, I had one where both bride and groom's father were siad to be dead but infact they were both alive, the couple were to young to marry and siad fathers dead so no permission needed. Diane. |
Gem in Wakefield | Report | 1 Nov 2004 17:30 |
Hi Justin If his father was deceased they would still name him in the Father box. Some certificates state deceased others don't. I have a certificate from 1899 and in fathers box it gives his name as William but no mention of deceased, but I know he died in 1889. Gem |
Justin | Report | 1 Nov 2004 17:25 |
Can anyone tell me if a bride's or groom's father who was deceased at the time of the wedding would still be named on the marriage certificate? Or would they be named but with the word 'deceased' on there or something? As an example........ If John's father died in 1890, when John married in 1900 would the marriage certificate still state John's father's name in the "Groom's Father" box? If so, this could get confusing for us family history researchers!!! Thanks, Justin in Southampton |