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Advice needed!

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Michelle Report 2 Nov 2004 19:27

Unfortunately, Huddy seems to be a very common name in the Truro/Probus area of Cornwall, there are lots of Elizabeths and Anns. Luckily Lavinia is a bit more unusual or I'd have to give up! On the 1881 census Elizabeth Huddy, age 61, mother-in-law, is widowed. Which leads me to believe this is not the Ann Huddy from the birth certificate, as this Lavinia is clearly illegitimate as Ann Huddy has no maiden name on it, and there is no father shown. But then again, where illegitamacy was involved, people tended to lie about all sorts of things didn't they. But where is Elizabeth on the 1871 census? And is it not too much of a coincidence that Ann Huddy, of right age and birthplace, the village of Probus in Truro, is also in Lambeth, same as my Lavinia? ARGHHHHH! This is frustrating!!!!


McDitzy Report 2 Nov 2004 19:18

This was on the IGI ANNE GUMMOW HUDDY Female -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: Christening: 03 MAY 1820 Probus, Cornwall, England Death: Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents: Father: JAMES HUDDY Family Mother: MARY They also had an Elizabeth: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELIZABETH HUDDY Female -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: Christening: 22 JUL 1810 Probus, Cornwall, England Age at Christening: 1 Death: Burial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parents: Father: JAMES HUDDY Family Mother: MARY GUMMOW


McDitzy Report 2 Nov 2004 19:11

Maybe (and this is just an idea) Elizabeth's full name was Elizabeth Ann and she just like to switch between the two names. Is the Ann/Elizabeth widowed? Or single?


Michelle Report 2 Nov 2004 19:06

I have managed to make things even more confusing now! Tried to find the Elizabeth Huddy, mother in law from 1881 census, on the 1871 census. No trace of any Elizabeth Huddy of right age. But I did find Ann Huddy, age 54, born Probus, and living in the same area of Lambeth, London as my Lavinia Cockrell nee Huddy! So maybe I do have the right birth certificate after all?? I think Elizabeth and Ann are the same person as it seems to much of coincidence that 2 different Cornish Huddys end up in Lambeth, but how am I ever going to unravel this one?


Michelle Report 2 Nov 2004 16:37

Gwynne, I am starting to think I have the wrong certificate now! And there was me thinking Lavinia Huddy wasn't a common name.. Unfortunately I can't seem to find a 2nd birth registration in 1846-1848 in Cornwall. I think I will need to find her age 3/4 on the 1851 census to sort this one out! She is not on the Cornish online project, have already checked that one. (1851 is incomplete)


Guinevere Report 2 Nov 2004 16:32

Hi, I think the servant one is more likely to be yours - Ann to Elizabeth doesn't seem that likely. Gwynne


Michelle Report 2 Nov 2004 16:31

Thanks Brenda, the 5th and 6th of those may be my Lavinia. Will have a look at those 2.


Michelle Report 2 Nov 2004 16:29

Someone very kindly looked at the Cornish censuses for me a while back, there was nothing on the 1851 census, and 2 Lavinias on the 1861, a 13 yr old servant (so no family details) and a 14 yr old with mother Ann, so this will be the one who I have certificate for. But at the time I was looking for one with mother Elizabeth so dismissed this one! Hopefully the same kind person will check that record again and tell me who they are living with and ages. Could Ann and Elizabeth be the same person???


Phoenix Report 2 Nov 2004 16:27

Try looking at Familyhistoryonline. (put into Google to find) This is what I came up with: Lavinia HUDDY (with no variants) anywhere at any time (including surname indexes). 6 results found. Result page 1 10203050 view as table or view as text 1. -unknown- HUDDY found in Cornwall Baptism Index (CON) years 1648-1735 2 entries £0.12 2. -unknown- HUDDY found in Cornwall Burial Index (CON) year 1706 1 entry £0.05 3. Lavinia HUDDY found in Kent 1881 Census (KEN) year 1881 1 entry £0.00 4. Lavinia HUDDY found in Middlesex 1881 Census (MDX) year 1881 1 entry £0.00 5. Lavinia HUDDY found in Cornwall 1851 Census (CON) year 1851 1 entry £0.09 6. Lavinia HUDDY found in Cornwall 1861 census (CON) year 1861 2 entries £0.18 Brenda


Guinevere Report 2 Nov 2004 16:24

Hi, This is a tricky one. If Lavinia was a family name there may be another Lavinia who wasn't registered. Quite a few "slipped through the net". Have you looked at the 1861 census? Gwynne


Michelle Report 2 Nov 2004 16:19

That took a bit longer to type than I thought, sorry ladies!!


Michelle Report 2 Nov 2004 16:18

1871 census shows my g x 3 grandmother and grandfather Frederick and Lavinia Cockrell, with child Lenora. Lavinia is age 23, born Cornwall. 1881 census shows same family, Lavinia now aged 34, born Truro, Cornwall. Living with them is mother-in -law, Elizabeth Huddy age 61, born Probus, Cornwall. From here I found a marriage between Frederick Cockrell and Lavinia Huddy in 1873. Also a birth of Lavinia Huddy in 1847, Truro district. So far so good... On ordering the birth certificate it shows me a blank entry for father (oh dear...) and mother Ann Huddy (no maiden name shown so presumably unmarried). Is this the right Lavinia???? I can find no other Lavinia Huddy born in Truro in right time, and also can't find a Lavinia with an Elizabeth on the 1851 or 1861 census. Would appreciate any advice from people with more experience than myself!


Guinevere Report 2 Nov 2004 16:18

Waves to Maz while we wait. Gwynne


Michelle Report 2 Nov 2004 16:09

I have already posted a few queries on here about my ancestor Lavinia Huddy, and ordered her birth certificate in the hope it would clear up a few things. Unfortuneately it has only given me even more questions! See below......