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computer help needed

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Helen Report 3 Nov 2004 21:55

see below


Helen Report 3 Nov 2004 21:59

I've been having an occasional problem over the past six months or so. A box opens with a message about TKonnect.exe having caused an error. This usually results in a screen freeze and I end up having to switch the computer off to resolve it. As far as I can see the TKonnect thingy seems to be something to do with Tiscali who were my ISP about 18 months ago. If I type Tiscali into 'search files and folders' there are still several items on there including TKonnect. Can someone tell me if I need this TKonnect file and if not how do I get rid of it and any other Tiscali related files. Thank you. P.S. Departure from Tiscali was not on good terms, do you think they could do something nasty to my computer?

Wayne the boy from OZ

Wayne the boy from OZ Report 3 Nov 2004 22:03

When you conected with your old ISP did they give you a disk to complete the connection? If they did then som old software is still on your PC and this may have to be unenstalled. Or you may need to clean out old registery data. Not somthing you should attempt yourself. I can email you a registery and tweakink program. But it is a big file. Let me know. Message me. Wayne Lawrence


Judy Report 3 Nov 2004 22:05 .exe is a program file. Perhaps the program, although not your active ISP, is still on your PC and may need to be removed(?) See if the .exe file is in your programs files......Attempt to do that this way: 1. Click on START 2. Click on CONTROL PANEL (if using Windows 98 you may have to click on SEARCH first and then CONTROL PANEL.) 3. Click on ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS. 4. A list of programs on your PC will appear. Scroll the list and see if you can find the program that is related to your old ISP. If it's there click on it once to highlight it. 5. Click on the CHANGE/REMOVE button and follow the prompts on your screen to remove. If regular PC maintenance is not something you do regulary you might try that, as well. Judy


BobClayton Report 3 Nov 2004 22:08

Type tkonnect.exe in the search and search the C drive, if found note location and delete it. It's a tiscali updater. Try this only if above fails. It might be a remnant file. Bob


Helen Report 3 Nov 2004 22:18

Thanks for your replies folks. Judy, I follow all your tips and have Adaware, Spyware Blaster etc. and did my monthly 'clean up' yesterday. i'll check out everyone's tips and see how I get on.


Helen Report 3 Nov 2004 22:30

Checked out that 'add/remove programs' and it's not listed. When I search for files and folders with Tiscali in them, three come up, they are all program files. One is a file folder which contains another folder called tkonnect. This folder has vnaph.dll and tkonnect.tkn One says internet communication One says tiscalirun and is a MS-DOS Batch file If I search for tkonnect.exe two files come up, one spelt with capital letters, one in lower case. What is best way to remove them (especially tkonnect.exe) P.S. Checked out 'my computer' and 'program files' on C Drive and none of the above appear.


BobClayton Report 3 Nov 2004 22:51

Helen are you using XP, Me 98? Bob


Helen Report 3 Nov 2004 22:55

Bob it's ME, but it's a really old computer that has been rebuilt.


BobClayton Report 3 Nov 2004 23:25

Mmmm ... I went straight to XP. I am pretty sure that you could just delete the folders and contents (they would still be in the recycle bin and you could recover them if needed from safe mode). If you can navigate to the tkonnect.exe files in windows explorer or my computer (you may have to click show hidden files). If you can make a restore point in Me then do that first. Bob


Helen Report 4 Nov 2004 08:37

Hi Bob I've tried your idea and got rid of every file to do with Tiscali and TKonnect except............tkonnect.exe. A box came up which said 'the specified file is being used by windows'


BobClayton Report 4 Nov 2004 09:25

When you press ctrl+alt+del and bring up task manager scroll down the list of processes if you see tkonnect.exe click "end process" then bo back and delete it. This should be much the same in Me as as XP. Bob


Helen Report 4 Nov 2004 09:30

Bob I think that's finally solved it! It's sitting in my recycle bin so I'll delete it in a couple of days if everything seems to be running OK. Cheers!