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can anyone help me smash down this brick wall befo

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Mad Alice

Mad Alice Report 20 Nov 2004 18:01

Hi Lou To be honest no, I haven't thought of ellison - trird all the all options alice


Unknown Report 20 Nov 2004 10:30

Alice Just a thought and I'm sure you've already done this, but have you tried finding him as Ellison? I have Allen's in my tree and I found them in 1891 as Ellen. Lou

Mad Alice

Mad Alice Report 20 Nov 2004 10:05

Hi Ann Checked out the allison's you kindly found and he is still a labourer in 1881! Doesn't he know he had to be a brass finisher to make me happy? Elizabeth Cox also gets hubby back in 1881 and guess what? His name is not James and he is not a black smith! So back to banging head against wall! Have decided to go to Norwich library this morning to see if I can find Mary-ann's birth on microfiche ( they have 1837 bmd's for whole country) That might provide another clue Will let you know how I get on. Alice

Mad Alice

Mad Alice Report 19 Nov 2004 23:17

Crista Ernest was born 23 august 1886 Pancras middlesex. Alice


Crista Report 19 Nov 2004 22:47

Alice, Where was Ernest born and what month? Crista

Mad Alice

Mad Alice Report 19 Nov 2004 22:33

Heather The elusive James Allison was said to have been lost at sea or at least died aboard a ship. My dad always had a little twinkle in his eye when he said this - he was in the navy himself, maybe he knew somethig I don't! I can't find Jame's death which I know was before 1881. So yes Heather we may well find them together I think he was based in Greenwich and Deptford. Alice


Heather Report 19 Nov 2004 21:44

When my Great Grandad was at sea, the census always showed his wife as "head" so it may be your chap was away that night too. Hey, he lived near my Great Grandad and the elusive Great Great Uncle, Jonas Alice, perhaps they were all singing shanties together!!


Ann Report 19 Nov 2004 20:52

Do you think that Dad may been away that night? I have managed to find a Mary A Cox aged 10 living with her mother Elizabeth and her sister Charlotte. Elizabeth is showing as married but as the Head of the household, she is 46. They are living in Greenwich Let me know if you want the image. Regards, Ann

Mad Alice

Mad Alice Report 19 Nov 2004 20:45

Hi Amanda. Have searched 1837 for mary ann's birth. Should be simple- born 1861 lewisham - but I could not find her - i suppose I could have missed her so will try again now I am more experienced but I did search about 2 years either side. As she says she was born in Lewisham on the 1901 i guess she was. In 1881 dad was a blacksmith but I suppose he could have been in forces in his youth. Thamks for your ideas Alice

Mad Alice

Mad Alice Report 19 Nov 2004 20:39

i think the allison family ann has found could be them. Will try to check them out on 1881 or 1891. I have tried all sorts Nell. don't know if I am now at the stage of not expecting to find them so just wouldn't recognise them when I do ! Alice


Amanda, Report 19 Nov 2004 20:18

Hi Alice Have you tried the oversea's births on 1837online? If the parents were in the forces they may be on there. I have credits if you need them, e mail me. Best wishes Amanda


Unknown Report 19 Nov 2004 20:00

Have you tried alternative spellings, eg Alison, Alyson, Allyson etc and possibly Cocks for Cox? nell


Ann Report 19 Nov 2004 19:53

Hi I have found some Allison's of Lewisham on the 1871, please don't get your hopes up too much though cos might not be the right ones. Could you send me your email so I can send you the images to see what you think? Regards, Ann

Mad Alice

Mad Alice Report 19 Nov 2004 19:48

James Allison married Mary Ann Cox in 1881. He was a seaman and his father was also James Allison a brass finisher. He was 26 when he married - so he was born about 1855. I think i may have him on the 1881 census but not sure. If it is him he was born in Manchester. However no records of him or father in manchester 1871. Mary Ann Cox was born in Lewisham in 1861. Her father was James Cox a blacksmith. I cannot find her birth or find her on any census until 1901 when she has remarried . James Allison died early. I cannot find his death cert. sent for one but it was wrong! James and Mary Ann had one child Ernest Edward Allison born in 1886. On his birth certificate it says james his father was a mariner(merchant service). I cannot find Mary Ann or her son Ernest on the 1891. So where do I go from here? There is a James Cox blacksmith born in inkpen but I don't think this is Mary Anns father as I know he was married after her birth and she is not with him in 1871. i don't mind spending money, travelling to find info etc... If only i had the leads..... Any advice please? Alice

Mad Alice

Mad Alice Report 19 Nov 2004 19:48

I have been unable to get back any further than 1856 in my Allison line because I cannot locate my g grandad or his wife with any certainty. Can anyone help? see below