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Can you help me solve this puzzle?
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Sandra | Report | 1 Dec 2004 12:34 |
My Grandfather and Grandfather were married in 1924(parrott Oxford) My mother was NOT born until 1933? She always thought that her half brothers Eric born 1932 Gordon 1930 Charlie? were born after her as they were all sent to childrens home and foster out there father was lenoard Cecil James(conmerical Traveller) My question is What happen to my grandad between 1924-1933 Were there any wars on then or do you think he may have gone to prison?? Where would I FIND THESE RECORD? Any suggestions would be appciated |
Anne | Report | 1 Dec 2004 14:07 |
Not sure I understand how her half brothers are born before her? Where does leonard James come into it? is that your grandfather's name? You may only solve this by getting some birth certificates! Anne |
KathleenBell | Report | 1 Dec 2004 14:17 |
Have you typed in the birth years incorrectly for your mother's half-brothers. Surely they must have been born before your grandparents marriage to be half-brothers. Or did your grandfather marry again, and the half brothers were born to a different wife after your mother's birth. Kath. x |
Sandra | Report | 1 Dec 2004 14:17 |
Hi Ann My Mother parents were Frederick and Annie Parrott married in 1924 have there marriage cert had my mother in 1933 got her birth certificate (My Grandparents) Leonard C James was Eric Gordon and Charlie Father but they were born before my mother whilst Annie was still married to Frederick? So I was trying to work out where was Fredrick while she had these children??? |
Sandra | Report | 1 Dec 2004 14:21 |
Hi Kathleen No I have the right birth dates Eric's wife rang me this week and I CHECK THEM ON 1837 AND BMD INDEX I AM SURPRISED SO IS MY MOTHER!!! Got Eric father name off his marriage certificate it said leonard Cyril James deseased comerical traveller!!! this was in 1960 |
Anne | Report | 1 Dec 2004 14:22 |
What a strange story, Sandra. Do you have all the certificates to prove all this? I would definately want to find them. I would think the answer might be prison for your grandfather but he was very forgiving when he reappeared, to go on to have your mother with a wife who had already had THREE children by another man?? Anne |
KathleenBell | Report | 1 Dec 2004 14:28 |
Do you have your grandparents marriage certificate from 1924? If you do, what was his occupation given as. If he was in the army he could have been abroad. I know my father-in-law was in the army at that time and in 1930 there wasn't a war but he was in Gibraltar. His first marriage broke up while he was away and his wife at that time had children to another man. It could have been something similar, but instead of breaking up the marriage your grandmother fostered out the children. Kath. x |
Sandra | Report | 1 Dec 2004 14:29 |
I think so as well Ann because there is nine children altogther!! grandmother had TB so they were all sent to diffrent foster homes and childrens home He didn't only have my mother this is the list Eric James dead in touch with wife Gordon james dead Charlie James ? Jean Parrott(my mother) Doreen Parrott in touch Fred Parrott in touch Shelia Parrott change name still known to be living in Cheletham gloc trying to get in touch with(sally Allen) Pamela Jackson sent to a home in Teignmouth Edward Jackson dead SO Want to find out about all my uncles and Auntie been working on it for a LONG TIME NOW AND I AM NOT GOING TO STOP but none of the ones alive remeber much!!! |
Sandra | Report | 1 Dec 2004 14:33 |
Hi Kathleen On his marriage certificate it said corporation labourer? And that he was 28 Annie 30 widow? that was the first shock as she was also married in 1920 to a Frederick Turner but her madien names is James Father John James All I can say is my grandmother got around a lot!!! god rest her soul |
Anne | Report | 1 Dec 2004 14:38 |
All I can say is -WHEW!!!!!! Anne |
KathleenBell | Report | 1 Dec 2004 14:41 |
It seems strange that your grandmothers maiden name was James. It would seem more likely that the three children with surname James would have been born whilst she was still single but the birth dates don't match up with this theory. All very strange. And where do the Jackson surnames come from. Kath. x |
Sandra | Report | 1 Dec 2004 15:00 |
Katheleen Ann and anybody else!!! Annie was born a James Married a Turner Then a Parrott thought she had remarried as a james but not the case then a Jackson was the last one Only got one Marriage cert so far for Parrott and pssible got the details of the turner one but not found the jackson one yet Penny, eric wife said she can remeber her being married to a jackson nickname Paddy!! IRISH i persume!! |
Patricia | Report | 1 Dec 2004 16:29 |
Have you got any of the birth certificates for the "James" children??? That might show some important information. It may be that your grandparents separated for a number of years and then got back together!!! Your grandmother sounds as bad as my g.grandfather who kept marrying and having children with different women. Trish |
Sandra | Report | 1 Dec 2004 17:00 |
HI Patricia That could be the answer that they parted, I SHOULD SEND FOR THE BIRTH CERT i know for sure that Eric is right but not working at present as I am on adoption leave and money is a little tight until I return to work!!! But thankyou any way |