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Advice needed for Scotlands People
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Irene | Report | 1 Dec 2004 19:14 |
I have the names and about when they died but they don't have them on Scotlands people I need to know how old they were when they died is there anyway of finding out. Frederick Carter died between 1977-79 he was English Annabell Carter nee Russell died after 1991 from Inverness. They married 7.11.1930 This was all in Inverness. Before I buy any credits I would like to know how to get this marriages certificate. Irene |
PennyDainty | Report | 1 Dec 2004 19:17 |
Hi Irene Unfortunately all the dates you mention are too recent for Scotlands People. Even the marriage date, as they only go upto 1928. Christine |
Rus& | Report | 1 Dec 2004 19:17 |
Hi irene, unfortunatly deaths only go up to 1955 on scotlands people at the moment.if you look at the about this site page on there it will explain to you all about the site. kaz |
Irene | Report | 1 Dec 2004 19:28 |
Is there anyway I can find there deaths or order a marriage. Would be grateful for any advice. Irene |
Seasons | Report | 1 Dec 2004 19:28 |
Births have to be over 100 years ago. Marriages 75 years ago Deaths 50 years ago. If you have an idea of when the deaths occurred then you could ring up with GRO or Aberdeen Records Office and order the certificate. The GRO charge £3 per year searched plus the cost of the certificate so you really need to narrow the year down. Last bill I had I think was for £26 for 2 certificates but I knew the years. Why don't you ask on the Records Board if anyone is going to the Records Office and could do a lookup for you. |
Irene | Report | 1 Dec 2004 20:16 |
Thanks for your help, do they have the same as our records office in Scotland, is it easy to go and have a look in the Indexing Books or do they do it another way. Irene |
Seasons | Report | 1 Dec 2004 22:22 |
Sorry don't know as I've been able to use Scotlandspeople or the GRO by telephone. Ask on the Records Message Board. |
Irene | Report | 3 Dec 2004 19:52 |
Kerry, thanks for the advice, do you mean they charge to go in to the records office. Irene |
Jan | Report | 3 Dec 2004 21:48 |
Can someone please advise what is Scotland's People? I have been trying to find the birth of Margaret Ada Riley, born Scotland, 1860. Only other thing I know is her father's name was Edward James Riley. Any advice on how to find the record and get a certificate would be very much appreciated. Thank you. Jan |
Caroline | Report | 4 Dec 2004 15:03 |
Jan Scotlands People (google these words and it will go straight to the web site) is the website for the General Registry Office in Edinburgh. You can download details of statutory records for: Births 1855-1903 Marriages 1855-1928 Deaths 1855-1950 (I think) and you can order copies of Parish Records before that. They charge a minimum sum of £6 for 30 credits. A Search costs 1 credit per page (abt 26 people to a page) and to download a certificate costs 5 credits. Hope this helps Caroline |
Researching: |
Seasons | Report | 4 Dec 2004 19:57 |
Scotlands people makes searching really easy for the dates allowed. However your £6 is for a 48 hour slot - so you have to be organised before you start - not that I've lasted 48 hours before using my credits up. Any unused credits are carried over to the next time you pay £6 so you don't lose them. Don't forget to have a look on scotsorigins*com which is the LDS IGI site but allows you to search via counties and districts in Scotland. Have got way back searching hubby's scottish roots - just wish my english/irish ones were so easy. |
Kerry | Report | 6 Dec 2004 13:01 |
Irene, Yes the charge is to go into the records office. They are really well organised as they have a lot of people going in to do their research every day. They show you how to work the computers and which programmes to go into for different information. I am not sure if they charge to get the information printed out as I just wanted to look at the info I needed. Kerry |
Big Shaz | Report | 6 Dec 2004 18:36 |
At the moment we are getting 7 Days! to use credits on scotlands people. They have been doing this for about a month now. The Site went down for about a week and so as a little bonus they extended it from two days to 7. Dont know if they plan on Sticking with it or not. Shaz :-) |