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Tina | Report | 2 Dec 2004 16:38 |
Has anyone come across the christian name Guiss or in another census Guess. He was born in Hoxton and all his children have normal names ( sorry to any Guess out there) !881 census Guess 1871 census Guiss. |
Janet 693215 | Report | 2 Dec 2004 17:20 |
Could it possibly be a MISTRANSCRIPTION for Gus, short for Augustus? A popular name at the time. |
Tina | Report | 2 Dec 2004 17:23 |
I thought about that, but would census ten year apart make the same mistake? |
Christine in Herts | Report | 2 Dec 2004 17:51 |
Is it possible that you have actually got a family tree clue in the name? GUISS appears to be a francophone surname - i.e. from France, french-speaking Belgium, french-speaking Switzerland... There is also a more german-style version Giesz. Normally mother's surnames get put in as a secondary forename, but maybe they just went for it! Christine |
Tina | Report | 2 Dec 2004 17:55 |
I think it is quite likely that they could'nt read or write, So has anyone any ideas what Guiss or Guess sounds like, did they have geezers in those days (what does geezer mean in slang and what did it stem from?) |
Tina | Report | 2 Dec 2004 18:00 |
Christine, going by addresses on the census his Dad was Emanuel would that fit. I shall try and find his marriage in case his wife was Swiss or german. Thanks for your help. |
Peter | Report | 2 Dec 2004 18:46 |
I have just been through a list of 20000 names from around the world and nether spelling came up. Most likely a miss spelling or a Pet name that stuck |
Tina | Report | 2 Dec 2004 19:12 |
Christine, Thanks for looking it up, as they were living in the london dock area, maybe a sailor or traveller befriended the couple and guiss was named after him. knowing it is a proper name has helped. Tina. |
Tina | Report | 2 Dec 2004 19:14 |
PS thanks to Peter too. |
maggiewinchester | Report | 2 Dec 2004 19:28 |
Lol Christina, I wonder how many times he got a 'clip round the ear' for being cheeky!!! What's your name lad?...Guess! I know someone who's second forename is Gaius - and he can't spell it either!! maggie |
Researching: |
~Summer Scribe~ | Report | 2 Dec 2004 19:41 |
could it be jess? or perhaps they didnt know the name so it was a "guess" lol Liz |
Tina | Report | 2 Dec 2004 19:43 |
Maggie, Perhaps Dad was a comic when asked the baby's name he said "Guess" Tina |
Christine in Herts | Report | 2 Dec 2004 22:18 |
Seeing Maggie's reply, Gaius seems really possible. Being Roman, it would have to be quite a well-educated family to know about it as a name, I should have thought. Christine |
Janet | Report | 2 Dec 2004 22:32 |
A search for GUESS as a Christian name on the 1881 Census provides the following: Name Estimated Birth Year Birthplace Relationship Residence View Image Wm. Guess Bowcock abt 1880 Wigston, Leicestershire, England Son Leicester St Margaret Guess Garthwaite abt 1844 Manchester, Lancashire, England Head Cheetham Guess Garthwaite abt 1880 Manchester, Lancashire, England Son Cheetham Guess Gelder abt 1871 Manchester, Lancashire, England Son Rusholme Guess M. M. Measures abt 1876 Lambeth Daughter St George George Guess Swingler abt 1871 Oundle, Northamptonshire, England Son Whittington Fredk.Guess Weir abt 1851 Brighton, Sussex, England Head Brighton Jan |
Tina | Report | 3 Dec 2004 11:20 |
Thanks Jan, Another Guess in London. Thats what I love about this board , you can learn so much. Two days ago, if anybody had said Guess was a christian name I would have thought they were joking. Shows how wrong one can be. Are there any more unusual names out there? Tina |