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How can I find out what year they died and where?

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Yvonne Report 9 Dec 2004 13:21

HI Everyone! YOU HAVE GOT HIM! THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH. Crista, all the names are correct, Wonderful! Im so exited. How wonderful you all are! Im just over the moon. Much appreciated to all of you, I wish I could give you all a box of chocolates. Cheers Yvonne


Patricia Report 9 Dec 2004 09:12

I have found a death for Anthony Harrison aged 68 in Wakefield. Jul-Aug-Sep 1920. Vol 9c pg 34. I searched from 1901 to 1921. There were other deaths for Anthony Harrison but none of the ages were right for when he was born. Trish


Patricia Report 9 Dec 2004 08:42

This is off the 1891 census. Address: High Row, Esh, Durham Anthony Harrison, 38, Head, Coal Miner, Born: Tantobie - Durham Mary Harrison, 36, Wife, Born Iveston, Durham Hugh Harrison, 18, Son, Coal Miner, born Anfield Plains, Durham Jane H Harrison, 16, Daughter, Dressmaker, Born Esh, Durham Randolph Harrison, 13, Son, Born Esh, Durham John E Harrison, 11, Son, born Esh, Durham Trevethian Harrison, 3, Son, Esh, Durham Trish


Crista Report 8 Dec 2004 21:12

Here he is in 1901 in Stanley: Forenames Lastname Age Where Born Census Place Census County Occupation Anthony HARRISON 49 Durham Tanfield Stanley Durham Coal Miner Hewer Mary HARRISON 46 Durham Lanchester Stanley Durham Hugh HARRISON 27 Durham Collieley Stanley Durham Coal Miner Hewer John HARRISON 20 Durham Lanchester Stanley Durham Horse Keeper In Coal Mine Trevethain HARRISON 12 Durham Lanchester Stanley Durham Reuben HARRISON 8 Durham Collieley Stanley Durham Sarah HARRISON 2 Durham Tanfield Stanley Durham In 1891 there's also a Jane H, Randolph and John E Here's his marriage: Name Year Quarter District County Volume Page Harrison, Anthony 1871 March Durham (1837-1938) Co. Durham 10a 421 Leslie, Mary 1871 March Durham (1837-1938) Co. Durham 10a 421 Crista


Crista Report 8 Dec 2004 20:30

Yvonne, Can you post his details from the 1901 census? I don't see any Anthony Harrisons in Tanfield. Crista


Thomas Report 8 Dec 2004 20:19

This is the only Anthony Harrison with a wife Mary on 1881 census in Co Durham Dwelling: 159 New Single Row Quebec Census Place: Esh, Durham, England Source: FHL Film 1342189 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 4946 Folio 106 Page 36 Marr Age Sex Birthplace Anthony HARRISON M 30 M Tantoby, Durham, England Rel: Head Occ: Coal Miner Mary HARRISON M 26 F Iveston, Durham, England Rel: Wife Hugh L. HARRISON 7 M Kyo, Durham, England Rel: Son Occ: Scholar Jane H. HARRISON 6 F Annfield Plain, Durham, England Rel: Daur Occ: Scholar Joseph HARRISON 2 M Quebec, Durham, England Rel: Son John Ed. HARRISON 11 m M Quebec, Durham, England Rel: Son Sarah Eddie LESLIE U 22 F Gateshead, Durham, England Rel: Sister In Law Regards Tony


Yvonne Report 8 Dec 2004 20:05

Hi Louise Sorry dont have any marriage certificates or cant even find one! My dad doesnt even know when he got married. There is a lot of Anthony Harrisons in Co-Durham who all went down the Mines, only know his wife was named Mary nothing else. Thanks all the same Louise. Patricia Sorry no he wouldnt have lived in Dudley, but thanks for your help and advise. Looks like dad will have to take a trip back home to Co-Durham and have a scout around, im sure he will enjoy it even at 85! Thanks again Yvonne


Louise2212 Report 8 Dec 2004 16:44

you need to narrow doen the time span. for example i knew my gggrandfather was alive in 1901. But on his dughters marraige certifacte in 1910 it says deceased. can you see want it says on your grandfathers marraige certifacte?


Heather Report 8 Dec 2004 16:28

All you can do is look on FreeBMD really.


Patricia Report 8 Dec 2004 15:55

Hi Yvonne The only birth I could find for Anthony Harrison is this one. Births Sep 1852 Harrison Anthony born in Dudley 6c 99 The district Dudley spans the boundaries of the counties of Staffordshire and Worcestershire and information about it can be found here. Finding his birth can help to find his death. My geography is not great but I don't think Dudley is near Cornwall. Trish


Yvonne Report 8 Dec 2004 14:28

Hi Patricia Here is the only infomation I have. Anthony Harrison was born c1852, we have no dates when he was married only that he married a Mary. My dad said he thinks Anthony died before 1919 or somewhere around that time, as dad never ever seen him. Story has it that Anthony was born in Cornwall and moved to Co Durham, and that when he died his body was taken back to Cornwall to be buried. But dad doesnt think this is true. Were not even sure as to how many children he had as there seems to be quite a few. Many thanks Yvonne If you need anymore information


Patricia Report 8 Dec 2004 13:48

Do you know what year he was born or married? Also have you an approximate idea when he died? If you are not sure then you could check when his youngest child was born and try and work out from there. What info do you already have and i will have a look for you. Trish


Yvonne Report 8 Dec 2004 13:45

Im trying to find out what year my ggrandfather died, on the 1901 census its said he lived in Oakley Cottages in Tanfield Co Durham and that he was a miner but we seem to be at a dead end. I dont even know what church or cemetary he is in. Can anyone shine any light for me, it would be most appreciated.