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Finding siblings

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Heather Report 13 Dec 2004 22:26

Yes Alice b***** cold. At least no frost like the other day. I havent ventured into the city as when I went with my son a couple of weeks ago it took 45 minutes driving around to find a parking place! Keep warm. Thanks for that Geoff, the records seemed to go up to 1812 which covered my lot - last date 1808. I will have another go later as often I am amazed what turns up from what has seemed barren land previously! Must get tired. By the way I checked that site you recommended and the three siblings turned up on that too. No others shown though. Many thanks.

Mad Alice

Mad Alice Report 13 Dec 2004 20:07

Hello Heather Thanks for putting this message on. I needed to know this too. Cold tonight isn't it? Alice


Geoff Report 13 Dec 2004 18:13

Re: missing half of the kids You may find that the registers for a single parish are in two or more batches eg C054321, C054322. If you only search one batch you will find only the baptisms in that batch. Check the "Hugh Wallis numbers" to see if there are two or more batches. Alternately, you may find that there are no baptisms transcribed after (say) 1837, in which case you will not find the later ones.


Heather Report 13 Dec 2004 17:10

Hi Angela, I did it your way and it does work! Unfortunately only came up with the same 3 kids I already have. Unless they were extremely unusual for that time, there are probably half a dozen more somewhere. Though there are a number with just William and Elizabeth as parents but not William Webb. He seems so particular in his use of that second name. Though I suppose a vicar may think it a bit pretentious and not bother recording it. Still, cant guess at that so they will have to make do with 3 kids.


Mandy Report 13 Dec 2004 14:51

Hi, read with interest your question and then your sucess in finding siblings. Can I aska really stupid question - what is IGI? I would like to check it out and try to find missing siblings. Does it cost to use it? Sorry for asking what I'm sure is a very basic question!!


Angela Report 13 Dec 2004 14:11

Yes, there is an easy way. Find the record for the child that you know about. At the bottom you will find the batch number starting with a C. Click on that number and it will take you into the batch. If you put the surname into the box, then the parents' christian names into the "Mother" and "Father" boxes, then search, you will get a list of all their children.


Heather Report 13 Dec 2004 11:19

Thanks Geoff


Geoff Report 13 Dec 2004 11:11

I was reminded that the Hugh Wallis "front page" has a middle name search facility. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.*com/~hughwallis/ (remove *)


Heather Report 13 Dec 2004 10:54

Wow guys, it worked! The strange thing is I had found a bro and sister of my GGMx2 but not her birth record. I did what you said and up she popped - little fibber was 3 years older than she told my GGFx2! It is handy that although her name was Smith her father was William Webb Smith and very proud of it too. It was on her marriage cert and on the children's birth records which is handy. I have no doubt there are a few other likely kids in the same area right time but as they do not show that middle name I cant actually claim them. Many thanks.


Sandra Report 13 Dec 2004 10:35

Thanks Jeanie But what year can you go to my research is all early 1900 upwards!! idon't seem to be gettting very far!!!!


Kim Report 13 Dec 2004 10:26

Do be carefully one of my grt x4 grandparent was Thomas Dale and his son was John , trouble was his uncle and brother were all called John too. If there is over 30 years between them they are more likely to be grandchildren or cousins kids! I still haven't fathomed all mine out.Merry Xmas Kim


Jeanie Report 13 Dec 2004 10:20

Sandra, try it without mothers surname as this is often not recorded


Jeanie Report 13 Dec 2004 10:18

Hi Heather, LDS- IGI- put fathers full name and mothers first and Bob's your mothers brother. However this will only bring up one batch no. If you have a child, go into the no. at bottom of page, when next screen comes up, just put in surname and all the same names on that batch will show. These are often siblings.


Sandra Report 13 Dec 2004 10:17



Heather Report 13 Dec 2004 10:14

Im sure someone came up with a cunning plan on here how to quickly find children born to the same parents on familysearch. Can anyone remember how? Thanks