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Fed up

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Jennifer Report 18 Dec 2004 16:01

I've been searching and posting messages and looking at trees to try and find anything about my family, but so far have not turned up anything. I'm beginning to think I must be an alien with no earthly relatives! ANy suggestions or help would be gratefully received.


Unknown Report 18 Dec 2004 16:08

Hello Jennifer, Sorry to read about your lack of rellies on Genes. I have had lots of help with look ups and suggestions when I`ve been stuck from alot of friendly, helpful and knowledgable people. How far back have you got with your research? I guess the more names your have on your tree the more chances you have. KIm


Ann Report 18 Dec 2004 16:12

Post here as much as you know and perhaps I'll be able to find people on ancestry for you :)


Lozie Report 18 Dec 2004 17:28

Hello Jennifer, Sorry to read that you are fed up. Don't give up! There are lots of people here who can help, with advice and look ups for you. I've been researching for about six weeks this time (started last year but gave up) and have been helped, when I got stuck with missing rellies in 1901. Judith did a lookup for me on ancestry, found them and I was off!! I have now have a total of 6 generations dating back to 1790's. Don't be disheartened, ask for help and ye shall receive. I can also help with lookups on ancestry, because my wonderful hubby bought me a subscription as an early crimbo prezzi. Good Luck Lozie

Devon Dweller

Devon Dweller Report 18 Dec 2004 22:55

Jennifer, Where are your Munro's from?

Val wish I'd never started

Val wish I'd never started Report 18 Dec 2004 22:56

sorry to hijack this thread but I am waiting to join Anchestry did you join the uk or the usa one which is the best please


Stephen Report 18 Dec 2004 23:00

Post us some details. Start with the easy ones. Consider DNA techniques. Talk again to all living relatives and get as much as you can from them, however trivial it may seem. Think outside the box - if they are not obviously there, then there may well be some intrigue... How fascinating... The buzz you get from finding out something about your family history is proportional to the effort you have put into finding it. Put your details out there on the web and let them find you. Look at the obscure methods that others have used. What's different about your family? Use that to your advantage. ENJOY - think how boring it would be if it was as easy as buying a newspaper. Every person is an absolutely unique combinations of their genes, environment and the history of both!


Jennifer Report 19 Dec 2004 17:32

Wow! Thankseverybody , for your offers of help and encouragement! Here are a few details - it is hard to speak to my relatives as I lived most of my life in Africa and none of the ones living here seem to want to meet me or even speak to me... My father was RObert Hugh Munro, born in London in 1925. All the eldest sons of the eldest sons in his family were called Robert. I believe we are descended from the Scottish clan that are based at Ffoullis castle near Inverness but haven't been able to confirm it. My mother was Brenda Goodwin. SHe was born in 1933 in Scunthorpe area of Lincolnshire. Her mother was CLaris Johnson , who I have been told was a descendent of Samuel Johnson , but again I have not been able to confirm it. Both parents died in Zimbabwe and my grandparents on both sides are dead too. Any use? I have been trying to trace my father's naval records as he was in the navy during the war but without his death certificate or proof of his death, the authorities won't even talk to me.


Karen Report 19 Dec 2004 17:38

i know how you feel.......there are 21,000 odd stevens registered on here and 7,000 something gardiners and i dont appear to be related to any of them all tho i seem to be tracking a few 18/1900's dead ones you would think there would be a few live ones kicking around ou there!!!! gl with your searching..........kaz


Guinevere Report 19 Dec 2004 17:40

Hi Jennifer, The secret with genealogy is to work backwards from what you know. Get the birth certs of your parents which will give you the names of your grandparents then you can find their marriages and so on backwards. All birth marriages and deaths in England and Wales are on the GRO index which you can search online at 1837online. It is a pay to view site. When you have the references you can buy the certificates. Once you get the names of your grandparents you may find them on the 1901 census. Family stories often turn out to be wrong so you really need cold hard facts and the only way to get them is to work backwards. If you go to your home page on this site you will find a section on getting started which will help you. Gwynne

Devon Dweller

Devon Dweller Report 19 Dec 2004 17:45

Ive e-mailed you. You are related to my brother in law. Sheila :0)


Jennifer Report 20 Dec 2004 07:27

Thanks for all the tips _ I'm going to keep trying over the holidays.Sheila has given me a name to write to on the Munro side - ISn't that wonderful!


Jennifer Report 20 Dec 2004 10:58

I have just found that my paternal grandmother's maiden name was WImpory by looking on 1837 online (thanks for that tip!) I can't seem to find any record of my mother's birthday though. There can't be too many WImpory's , now can there?