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tracing in scotland

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Big Shaz

Big Shaz Report 23 Dec 2004 21:18

Merry Xmas an all the best to you Irene :-) Shaz xx


Irene Report 23 Dec 2004 21:14

Thanks all well you know what I will be doing Christmas morning if my computer is set up. Happy Christmas and Good Hunting in 2005 and a Happy New Year to you all Irene

Big Shaz

Big Shaz Report 23 Dec 2004 20:49

Irene .... you can print them off and you can save them to your own files and they stay on your account too as viewed images!! Scottish certs are far more informative than English and Welsh especially 1855!! Shaz x


CATHKIN Report 23 Dec 2004 20:48

Yes you can print them off -it`s the page in the Registrar`s and you get two or three others on the same page. Rosalyn


Irene Report 23 Dec 2004 20:34

Hi all Thanks all for some very useful information, I will be able to start on Christmas day when I get my computer up and running (Number 1 Son is building me a new one). Just one more question can you print off a copy of the certificate or is it just to view. I should add this is not my family but my daughters boyfriend (of 6 years) it taken a while as I am not using my own computer, my daughters is set up a bit different to mine. Scotland sounds great so look forward to starting, if anyone has looked in Guernsey now that is easy, they give lots of information on christenings far more than we do, only trouble is you have to speak french but you soon get the gist. Irene


Caroline Report 23 Dec 2004 17:51

Hi all Please note that info on death certificates is only as reliable as the knowledge of the informant! Especially when the person who dies is really old the informant may be someone quite young who is passing on hearsay abt the previous generation. I have one death cert and the informant has listed the deceased's parents as her husband's parents! Caroline

Big Shaz

Big Shaz Report 23 Dec 2004 16:31

Yes both my hubby and I are Scottish for as far back as we have got... so far thats only 1700 and Scotlands People is an excellent site. as was said before it takes 1 credit to view a list of about 25 results and then 5 credits to view a cert! Except the 1881 census that only takes 1 credit to view as it is transcribed. 1891 and 1901 are actual images so they take 5 credits to view. You can also search the old parish records births and marriages but you are unable to view these online although you can order them online. They are in the process of upgrading the site to add the 1841, 1851, 1861 and 1871 census' I havent been on the site for about a fortnight but due to a problem they were having about 6 weeks ago they rewarded everyone by allowing them 7 days in which to use credits instead of 48 hours but I dont know if that has changed in past fortnight or not. Shaz xx


Helen Report 23 Dec 2004 16:17

I have used Scotland People a bit as I have a few Scottish leads - and yesterday I discovered the joys of the Scottish death cert - they give you the names of the mother and father of the deceased. And the spouse even if the person is dead. Well worth the 5 credits. In other words I know who the parents were of someone who died in 1896 at the age of 80. You actually get to see the certificate - I couldn't view them on Mozilla Firefox - something to do with pop up protection. No problem on Explorer though.


Jeanie Report 23 Dec 2004 15:53

Scotlandspeople are having some probs at the moment. Some people have written that they have lost their credits. Also discussion board is no longer working which is a great shame.


Val Report 23 Dec 2004 13:26

It usually 1 credit to look at the list if they have certificate they charge 5 credits but that is usually death, birth and marriage cencus I was charged 1 credit but they do tell you


Irene Report 23 Dec 2004 00:24

Blinda I have only just started to hunt in Scotland, got my first certficate, a marriage 1930, now I have names for her parents I can started to go back further. I could use some tips on how to go about this, I know there is a site Scotland people, where you can hunt births marriages and deaths, for this I believe you have to pay, can you down load the certificate do you know as I am not really sure what happens now. I would be please with some help on this. Irene


Unknown Report 22 Dec 2004 21:22

if you want to mail me some names and dates etc - I will have a lot at my resource discs - might take a couple of days - but I will do it She


Belinda Report 22 Dec 2004 20:28

got back to about 1783.can anyone help with sites other than bdm,igi,scotlandspeople.many thanks