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deal cabinet makers
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Marcie | Report | 30 Dec 2004 17:48 |
hi my ancesters were listed as doing the above job, but what is a deal cabinet maker, please advise marcie x |
Heather | Report | 30 Dec 2004 18:38 |
Yes its a soft wood pine. The poorer end of the market!! |
Marcie | Report | 30 Dec 2004 18:38 |
thanks christina, it,s been puzzling me for a while marcie x |
Marcie | Report | 30 Dec 2004 18:39 |
thanks heather, much appreciated marcie x |
Heather | Report | 30 Dec 2004 18:43 |
Actually Marcie, we used to have an old pine business. Quite often those deal cabinets would be dyed with cherry dye to make them look a bit like mahogany. |
Marcie | Report | 30 Dec 2004 18:55 |
thanks heather, it helps to fill the in gaps,in fact i have carpenters on the other part of the family, all cousins and brothers good with wood and d.i.y. i,m the only one who is cack handed marcie x |
Andy | Report | 30 Dec 2004 19:06 |
And of course High Wycombe, Bucks, was a major furniture manufacturing town! |
Marcie | Report | 30 Dec 2004 19:12 |
hi andy my lot come from london and hants, how i wish they came from bucks it would be easier to research, although saying that my 4x gt grandma was born in shabbington bucks in 1759 but her mother was unmarried so no fathers name, i wonder who he was marcie x |
Andy | Report | 30 Dec 2004 19:23 |
Hi Marcie, Some of my wife's family were cabinet makers in the East End of London - I guess it happened all over. And with regard to the no father syndrome, I've got one of those. My Gt Grandad born George John Gilbert, no father. His mother subsequently married George Day, but the illegitimate son is refered to in every Census and on every Certificate as John George Day! George Day had a brother, John. So was my Gt Grandad the son of George Day, John Day, or another? Andy |
Marcie | Report | 30 Dec 2004 19:28 |
sent to try us andy, my east enders were the osburns in case you bump into them, and did your george day come from hatfield in herts, there are lots there marcie |
Andy | Report | 30 Dec 2004 19:31 |
No Marcie, My lot come from Harrow Weald, Middx, and the surrounding area. I've got most of them back to the 1700s, the oldest 1669. Never went anywhere! |
Natalie | Report | 30 Dec 2004 21:27 |
It was also quite common for carpenters and cabinet makers to make coffins and act as the local undertaker. One of my ancestors appears on various censuses as either a carpenter, an undertaker or a cabinet maker. Just a thought! |
Val wish I'd never started | Report | 30 Dec 2004 21:47 |
Andy your wife's rellies werent Millers or Knights were they? my ancestors came from the East End too and were Cabinet Makers |
Heather | Report | 30 Dec 2004 21:51 |
Hey, if we are talking cabinet makers, wood carver or turners, my lot were the Hansons, east end and Camberwell. I have found them in the Historical Directories site - if any of your lot were self employed, in business, worth having a trawl through that site for their business listing! |