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Am I missing the obvious

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Heather Report 31 Dec 2004 23:46

This one any good? Amy Albon 18 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Daughter Arlesey Bedfordshire Annie Albon 2 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Daughter Arlesey Bedfordshire Arthur Albon 11 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Son Arlesey Bedfordshire David Albon 39 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Head Arlesey Bedfordshire David Albon 15 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Son Arlesey Bedfordshire John Albon 5 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Son Arlesey Bedfordshire Sarah A Albon 41 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Wife Arlesey Bedfordshire William Albon 13 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Son Arlesey Where did your William marry? What are the names of his kids? Check this one out aswell. On the image it could be a J not a G - have a look. Seems like Arlesey is the place for Albons, eh? Hannah M Albon 1 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Daughter Arlesey Bedfordshire Sydney J Albon 4 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Son Arlesey Bedfordshire Alfred S Albone 8 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Son Arlesey Bedfordshire Emily Albone 17 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Daughter Arlesey Bedfordshire George Albone 39 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Head Arlesey Bedfordshire William G Albone 13 Arlesey, Bedfordshire, England Son Arlesey Bedfordshire Also this one has a bro called Sydney - didnt you say your guy had a son called that? Right, I am being screamed at cos there is only 10 minutes to 2005 now! I better be forced to drink a bottle, eh Nell.


Carole Report 31 Dec 2004 23:37

I did find the boy mentioned on the other thread (birth look-up) - on the 1901 census, he was listed as a pauper scholar in Ewell, Surrey. Place of birth is "Unknown, probably kensington or Chelsea". He is the right age. Doesn't help to find his father though. Carole


Denise Report 31 Dec 2004 23:32

Hope the port has not dulled your surfing skills too much yet. William James Albon would have been born c1889.


Carole Report 31 Dec 2004 23:32

You'd better join the party on the general board then Margaret! I looked on Ancestry for the Census records, but no-one the right age leapt out at me. mind you, I've been drinking too! Carole


Unknown Report 31 Dec 2004 23:24

Heather I'd been wondering that! lou


Heather Report 31 Dec 2004 23:20

Nell, how were you forced!!! Are there really that many William James Albon in the right area, the right age?? FreeBMD isnt showing any at all Im afraid.


Carole Report 31 Dec 2004 23:11

Only FreeBMD but I'm not sure how far into the 20th century it goes at the moment. The only other way will be to go to the records office & searching. Carole


Denise Report 31 Dec 2004 23:10

Thanks Helen and Carole. Do you know another index other than 1837. My computer will not allow me to load the DJvu software to view the images at 1837. Happy New Year Denise


Carole Report 31 Dec 2004 23:02

In that case, Helen is right - you need to find his marriage certificate first, which means looking through 1837 Online. Once you've got that, you will have his father's name and be able to specify that when you order a birth certificate. Carole


Denise Report 31 Dec 2004 22:54

Here are some more details. William James Albon died in 1947, aged 58 - so born c 1889. His son Sydney Cyril was born 1914 with (Elizabeth) Annie Spicer. I even went to visit his grave today at Mortlake Cemetery in the hope it would have his DOB - found the grave, but no DOB!


Carole Report 31 Dec 2004 22:25

What sort of timescale are you looking at? Could he have been married by 1901, in which case you could look for him with his wife. Carole p.s. Me too Helen ;-)


Unknown Report 31 Dec 2004 22:21

Denise You want to know which James Albon is yours. You don't say how old he is on the census, but his father's name would appear on his marriage cert, so if you find that you can work out which dad he should be with on the census. Hope this makes sense, I've just been forced to drink a bottle of wine with my husband and I feel very merry! nell


Denise Report 31 Dec 2004 22:17

Being new to this, I'm not sure if I a missing the obvious. I am trying to find the birth date of my GGF. I know his wife's name, child's name and DOB, and my GGF age and date of death. Searching the census' I have come up with 9 possible matches. How do I determine which is the right William James Albon without a birth certificate, which I do not have as I do not know his DOB. Am I missing an obvious step? A novice - Denise