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What would this mean - birth registration record
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John | Report | 23 Jan 2005 00:28 |
helen I have twins and when i wanted to register them as the same time ( they were, due to cesarian) the registrar would not allow it. One had to have seniority over the other, and they have never let me forget it !! |
Abigail | Report | 23 Jan 2005 00:28 |
I have a similar confusing one for you to think about. 20th March 1842, John and Elspet Henderson register a girl called Jane 30th March 1842, John and Elspet Henderson register a boy called John In Fyvie near Aberdeen So what do you reckon? No John or Jane child found in the 1851 census yet Abigail |
Unknown | Report | 23 Jan 2005 00:18 |
Nichola I guess it is - unless two women with the same name gave birth and registered the child on the same day. Twins usually have the time of the birth on their certs, though of course this wouldn't be listed in the index. nell |
Nichola | Report | 23 Jan 2005 00:14 |
Hi, I've now found a record where there are 2 children listed in the same quarter with the same mothers maiden name, place of birth, district code and page reference. They are both lised in the correct alphabetical order. Is this twins. Nicky |
Geoff | Report | 21 Jan 2005 14:00 |
I have these two entries - again, one appears to be a correction. Births Mar 1893 Cone Thomas Whitehaven 10b 661 Births Mar 1893 Coan Thomas Whitehaven 10b 660A |
Nichola | Report | 21 Jan 2005 13:55 |
Thanks for all your comments. Some interesting points. Nicky |
Wendy | Report | 21 Jan 2005 00:17 |
Linda I sympathise, and you don't need your mother's birth cert to apply for Power of Attorney. I obtained it at a time when I didn't even know my mother's parents' names---I only got her birth cert later and started to find out who she was. I did have my father with me, and we just turned up at the solicitor's office who already knew father---surprisingly few formalities. Incidentally, my husband and I have already signed Enduring Power of Attorney just in case it is ever necessary--it can only be invoked if you are proven to be incapable of managing your affairs. I think everyone should do this. |
Linda | Report | 21 Jan 2005 00:03 |
I think it would be a correction of the original name. I've just had a similar experience looking up my mother, who was born in Cardiff in May 1916, and named Vera Florence Ellen Bourne. The printed list of births registered during April, May and June 1916, on the website, shows no Christian names, just " - (female)". However, someone has written "Vera F E" by hand at the bottom of the page, so I assume her parents didn't state her Christian names when first registering her. I have previously tried to get a duplicate birth certificate, since the original has been mislaid, but the Office for National Statistics couldn't trace her. It could be that her birth certificate doesn't show her names (although if this is allowed, it is rather surprising, because there could be scope for fraud). I will definitely apply again, but I think I will have to explain what I have found. (Unfortunately, Mum has dementia, so I can't ask her whether she remembers what was on her birth certificate. This issue has only arisen because my sister and I are going to apply for Power of Attorney, but I think other forms of identification are acceptable.) |
Simone | Report | 20 Jan 2005 22:23 |
I've had exactly the same thing- ordered certificate and pointed out extra ref to GRO- They confirmed the one with 'a' on was just an amendment to the spelling of the surname (Howells on first ref should have been Howell), and sent me correctly amended certificate. Simone x |
Walter | Report | 20 Jan 2005 22:20 |
Nichola, a thought for you to consider, In the period roughly 1922- 1932 there was massive unemployment and no welfare state as there is today, there were however benifits to be had by going before " A board of assessors (The Means Test) these people assessed the needs of the poor and gave 'hand outs' to prevent the starvation on children. Could it be that a second birth certificate was given to pass on to this Board to ensure they were aware of the changing circumstances? Whilst I did not live through this period I can remember my dad telling me of this and the need to prove the family was the size you declared. WALTER |
Christine in Herts | Report | 20 Jan 2005 20:48 |
Hi I had a similar thing with "twins" Edwin Cecil Russell Christmas (of whom we already knew) and "Edwin Vincent Russell Christmas" (who looked like an exciting new addition to the family. In the event it was the same certificate, but E Vincent R C was the name at registration (column 1) and E Cecil R C was the name he was finally given - changed after registration (entered in the last column). The registration numbers were similarly adjacent. Christine |
Nichola | Report | 20 Jan 2005 19:36 |
Hi Kim and Wendy, Thanks for your opinion. I think you are right. Cheers Nicky |
Wendy | Report | 20 Jan 2005 18:31 |
I agree with Kim that it is an amendment. Perhaps it was mis-spelled and then corrected. After all Louie and Louisa are very similar--you wouldn't use both for twins I don't think. |
Kim | Report | 20 Jan 2005 18:11 |
maybe a correction of a mistake on the birth certificate?Which the registrar has amended and added in afterwards kim |
Nichola | Report | 20 Jan 2005 17:37 |
I was looking for a birth registration and found a Louie Gardiner born jan-mar 1923. To the left of the name there is an X then at the bottom of the page it says Louisa Gardiner. They both have the same mothers maiden name, place of registration and district code. The page number for Louie is 838 and the page number for Louisa is 838a. Does this mean they were twins or would it be an amendment. I know Louisa lived but we never knew about a Louie. Any advice appreciated. Nicky |