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A nudge re lost cousins
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Julie | Report | 24 Feb 2005 19:44 |
It's different from this site in that it asks for specific info from a specific source and then uses that to make exact matches. Then it informs you by email when it does. With this site, people can be a bit vague with what they have entered, sometimes not entering years and places and it doesn't do the matching for you. |
JG70 | Report | 24 Feb 2005 19:27 |
This site here is relying on our postings though isn't it? They simply provide nothing except the fields to enter information and the facilty to contact each other. I think it could end up being really good personally. Up to everyone's own opinion, it's a free Country said and done. Jacquie (Snowed in all day!) |
Julie | Report | 24 Feb 2005 08:21 |
I have added about 228 relatives from 1881 now. I am hoping that it will provide matches in the future, but I am being patient. It will work so much better if everyne enters their families. I don't find it complicated or tedious either. As has been said, use the + sign for add a similar relative, you can add loads in minutes that way if they are in the same house. As for adding corrected ages, names and maiden names, I don't think you HAVE to enter them, it does still work if you don't. |
JG70 | Report | 24 Feb 2005 07:59 |
It seems easy enough to me, I just open the LDS census in a small window and can view it alongside th lost cousins window (just as you do at work - using a couple or several appilications at the same time) to copy into the lost cousins site after entering the first member of the household pressing the plus sign it gives you a screen with the reference and surname alerady added for you - all you have to do then is add the forename and age - a doddle. Jacquie |
An Olde Crone | Report | 24 Feb 2005 00:33 |
I think they have made this site unnecessarily complicated. Surely it would be enough to just enter the Folio ref and page number - it would still give exact matches and no need to enter all that tedious information, complete with misspellings etc. Just my opinion - I havent had a single match, not do I expect one. Marjorie |
JG70 | Report | 23 Feb 2005 22:43 |
It's our tree as a snapshot in 1881, entering the census folio ref etc to make an EXACT match. Don't forget this site is relying on our information too - other than ours -there's no info landing on our laps. Jacquie |
JG70 | Report | 23 Feb 2005 22:12 |
Nudge Just had my first contact with a distant cousin. Everyone join and we can all link up!! Jacquie |
Elizabeth | Report | 11 Feb 2005 02:38 |
It's a great idea for a site, but I've entered hundreds of relatives without a match so far (enough to get that free membership thing they did before Christmas anyway!). Early days though I suppose. |
Crista | Report | 11 Feb 2005 02:35 |
Hi Helen, That must be it. Thanks, Crista |
Helen | Report | 3 Feb 2005 14:45 |
Hi Crista Is it an X in the births certificate column? That means there will be no certificate available ie before July 1837. If you have a birth certificate there will be a B in that column. Regards Helen K |
Crista | Report | 2 Feb 2005 22:09 |
Is anyone else seeing this? When I look at my Ancestor summary it's saying I hold birth certificates for some of my relatives even though I don't. Crista |
Julie | Report | 2 Feb 2005 21:41 |
I think if everyone subscribes and enters as many rellies as they can, it will be a really good site. It will tell you what happened to certain lines in your family, not just from 1881, but lines from earlier because you can add cousins and second cousins of your 1881 relatives if you know of them. Here's a newsletter I got from them: We also confirmed that basic membership of LostCousins will remain free indefinitely. BUT WHAT WE DIDN'T TELL YOU is that we're giving the rest of our members the opportunity to qualify for free subscriber access until the end of June, just by making three referrals using their 'My Referrals' page. This offer is open until the end of February, and is part of a drive to treble LostCousins membership over the next three months. So if there's anyone you were thinking of telling about LostCousins, now would be a really good time to do it. It will give them the chance to secure free subscriber access for the next 5 months, and you never know - someone they refer to LostCousins may turn out to be a 'lost cousin' of yours! |
JG70 | Report | 2 Feb 2005 18:58 |
Really good as matches you with def' relatives as you enter the census folio reference etc. I keep adding a household a night - to make the job a bit easier. The more people that join the better the site will be. http(:)(//)www(.)lostcousins(.)com Thanks Jacquie |