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Stuck in Derbyshire!
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Unknown | Report | 4 Feb 2005 23:04 |
Can't think of anywhere nicer actually cos I'm rapidly becoming very attached to my Derbyshire side but I'm now stuck! I can't go any further without parish register look ups on 4 marriages and then, once the information has been drawn from that, any potential baptisms/birth records. Does anyone know whether the records office at Derby would do a look up in those kind of registers the way they will happily send me certs in double quick time? Getting there myself just isn't an option at the moment. Thanks Lou xx |
Margaret | Report | 4 Feb 2005 23:15 |
Lou Derby Local Studies Library 25B Irongate DERBY DE1 3GL Tel:- +44 [0]1332 2553 or Derbyshire Record Office County Hall MATLOCK Derbyshire DE4 3AG United Kingdom Telephone:- Search Room: +44 (0)01629 585 347 (direct line) General Office: +44 (0)1629 580 000 ext 35202 Duty Archivist: +44 (0)1629 580 000 ext. 35207 Fax:- +44 [0]1629 57611 Margaret |
Margaret | Report | 4 Feb 2005 23:15 |
What actually is it you need Lou? Dave and me are thinking of going to Matlock to do some research to further what Elaine found for me the other week. If theres not too much email me with the details. I dont know when we are going though Margaret |
Unknown | Report | 4 Feb 2005 23:19 |
Hi Margaret I don't want to put you to any trouble but if its ok when you go...I have 4 marriages, exact dates and places so no hunting needed, I'm just in need of any information that may be on the register other than simply his and her names and the date and church! Lou |
Margaret | Report | 4 Feb 2005 23:21 |
Lou email me with all the details As I said I dont know when we are going. We have been to Derby, but they dont have all of the records there, so it the County Record Office at Matlock. I can look for yours while Dave makes a start on ours Margaret |
Unknown | Report | 4 Feb 2005 23:22 |
Hi Margaret Thank you so much, will send you the information for whenever you get the chance. Very much appreciated Lou xxx |
Margaret | Report | 4 Feb 2005 23:24 |
Lou We are away this weekend, but we will have to see what next week or the week after brings. I'm waiting for some certs before we go, so that I am armed with as much info as possible. Margaret |
Unknown | Report | 4 Feb 2005 23:29 |
Thanks Margaret Have e mailed you the info but whenever...they aren't going anywhere! Lou x |
Kay | Report | 5 Feb 2005 07:56 |
Hi Margaret and Lou. I am planning a trip to Derby in June (I live in S.Wales) to lookup the parish records for my family who came from Tissington. I have had my certificates from Ashbourne. Would I have to go to Matlock to find the parish records? Should I ring Ashbourne first to find out if they have the parish records? Sorry to be such a thicky, first time I have gone looking for records outside of Wales. Thanks Kay |
Margaret | Report | 5 Feb 2005 09:09 |
Kay Ashbourne is the resistration district where you got your certs from. That is not the same thing as a record office. Your best bet would be Matlock. They hold all the parish registers for Derbyshire and the census. Although if I remember rightly from last time we went, years ago, the census were in a different building but not too far away. Derby local studies have some records but not all, its best to ring and check before you start your journey. Margaret |
Kay | Report | 5 Feb 2005 09:20 |
Thanks Margaret. I will only have a day to look for my records and I didn't want to go to the wrong place. I will phone Matlock soon. This trip is going to take a lot of organizing as I want to go to Tissington, to the church and villiage as my family lived there for quite a few years in the 1700/1800s. Many thanks Kay |
Joan Allan | Report | 5 Feb 2005 23:46 |
google 'Wirksworth' - there is loads of information about Derbyshire and surrounding areas that is available on the internet. Sometimes no visits to the area necessary as there is so much information available. |
Unknown | Report | 5 Feb 2005 23:49 |
Hi Joan The Wirksworth site is definitely worth a look for anyone researching Derbyshire. Unfortunately I can't get my marriage info from it but have located several MI's and a couple of wills! Lou |
Padkat | Report | 6 Feb 2005 00:08 |
Spotted your thread and had a look at the Wirksworth site out of curiousity and HAVE FOUND A REF TO WHAT I THINK IS MY 3RD GREAT-GRANDFATHER WILL! Thanks all Now just need to pop along to Matlock and fetch it. Kate x |
Unknown | Report | 6 Feb 2005 00:45 |
Kate If the will is after 1858, you can send £5 off to York and fill in a form with the details such as name of deceased, when they died and where they lived, and if you put the date and "where proved" that you got from the site, it will help make sure they find the right one. The form is a PA1 and you can find it on the website which is www(.)courtservice(.)gov(.)uk and click on "Wills & Probate" and it should give you all the information. Lou |