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KM1978 Report 6 Feb 2005 22:01


Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 12 Feb 2005 08:29

MADDOX Looking for descendants of Herbert (Harold) Maddox and Nelly (nee Richards). Born in Battersea UK and migrated to Australia c1910. They married in Sydney in 1914, believed to have had a son called Royston who married a Betty and had a daughter Lynne. They were still in the Sydney area in 1945.

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 12 Feb 2005 08:31

RICHARDS Looking for descendants of CHARLES ERNEST RICHARDS, born in Battersea 1895. Believed to have married a Florence and had two children - Constance Joyce and Ronald.


Slinky Report 12 Feb 2005 08:43

WALMSLEY Looking for Kathleen, Barry, Malcolm and Kenneth.....sons and a daughter of Emma and Ben Walmsley who emigrated in the 5o's to Australia from Yorkshire. Any news would great. Think they went to Wollongong NSW originally. Thanks, Anne.


Lindsay Report 2 May 2005 15:20

Norman Boyd Scott Stewart! Disappeared from the face of the earth!!! Aboard HMS Glory in Korea in 1951, also in the Australian army serving at E Command from February 1954 until he was discharged in February 1960. Signed up for the reserves for five years, but no record of him having served. Last known address 9 Woodbourne Avenue, Strathfield, NSW in February 1960. Any information greatfully received!

Maggie in Leics

Maggie in Leics Report 2 May 2005 16:35

James Heatherill, on convict ship Andromeda c.1828 - am sure he's mine - but don't know anything more about him than that!!


Wifey Report 2 May 2005 17:19

Looking for relatives of Albert Ernest George Chittleburgh. He was born in 1914 and later emigrated to Aus . I've looked for his children, but no luck.


Cheryl Report 2 May 2005 17:52

Hi Looking for descendants of Ellis Spencer born 1880 in Nantwich Cheshire emigrated 1900 to Perth Western Australia. Got killed in WW1 serving with Austrailian trench Mortar Battery Any help locating Wife or Children would be appreciated. Regards Cheryl


Bill Report 3 May 2005 03:22

> They married in Sydney in 1914, believed to have had a son called Royston None of the 3 MADDOX births in NSW over the 1914 and 1918 period looks even close by any criteria. The publically searchable NSW birth index stops at 1918. There are no NSW marriages for a Royston Maddox up to 1945 and only one for a Roy Maddox... 12325/1944 MADDOX ROY JOHN CLIVE (married) WILSON DESMA MARY JOYCE REDFERN Cheers, Bill Sydney, Australia


Bill Report 7 May 2005 04:37

> They married in Sydney in 1914 Here's the NSW BDM index entry for their marraige... 5474/1914 MADDOX HERBERT H H [married] RICHARDS NELLIE [at] NEWTOWN Cheers, Bill

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 7 May 2005 06:35

Hi Bill Thanks for that, but I have the marriage cert for Herbert & Nelly already. I also have Herbert's service records from the NAA website. The last address given on those was Crows Nest, NSW in 1922. Nelly was my grandmother's sister, and in one of grandma's photo albums I found some photos of Nelly taken in Manly Beach, Xmas Day 1965. One is of Nelly & a young girl, on back it says grand-daughter Lynne. I would estimate that the girl was about 15 years old, ie born c1950 - therefore, Royston's marriage could have been after 1945, closer to 1950 (the online index only goes to 1945 unfortunately). His name (Royston) was supplied by another family member, as was the name of his wife (Betty). No sign of Royston's birth in the index, so he must have been born after 1918 (quite possible as Herbert wasn't discharged from the Navy until 1919). Charles Ernest Richards was the brother of Nelly & my grandmother. I have a photo of him and his wife, with 'love from Flo & Charlie' written on the back. Also have some more photos of Charles & Nelly together in Australia. Charles & Flo had 2 kids - Ronald & Constance Joyce. They both had families, but I have checked all the NSW marriages up to 1945 for these names and haven't found either of them so they too must have married after 1945. Bit of a common name, Richards, which doesn't make it easy! Richard


Jane Report 7 May 2005 10:24

MEAD I am looking for my uncle and his family. Ronald Henry Mead born 14 march 1923 Forestgate.He was in the Fleet Air arm at Yeoville Sommerset, later Australia. Married 31 July 1948 Victoria Docks West Ham his wife Violet Lilian Stone born 24 Feb 1923. son Keith Bernard Mead possibly born 1949 9 march 1951 the three of them sailed from Tilbury I think to Sydney Australia on the P&O ship The Himalaya.They lived on a farm poss Sydney with someone called Wilth and his family they had another son called Gary possible died 1952-53. moved around alot Perth,Adelaide came home couple of times.went back 1969 by plane they have two more children Leslie Allen 10 May 1958, Karen 20 September 1963 both England.Son Keith not with them.Could be in Australia got help from Big Brother hostels and work.Last address all living together but sounded urgent,but replyed to late nothing heard since address was. No.9 Caravan Village.2462 Albany HWY.Gosnells W.A 6110. Alot of people have helped me already with address to as but no luck yet. Jane

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 7 May 2005 12:55

Lindsay have you tried these peeps listed in the Sydney phone book Stewart N 73 Mitchell St Croydon Park 2133 (02) 9747 6693 Stewart N B 7 Loch St Campsie 2194 (02) 9789 4504 I would also look up in the white pages (Our phone directory) for Australia in Anthony Hulls thread and look for the local RSL where ever his last address was and ask if they know of him and also Tony Hulls thread has the army archives and they might tell you at least if he is still alive Regards Lara