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Michelle | Report | 7 Feb 2005 13:36 |
I know this may seem trivial to some, but for me and I am sure others, it can prove very frustrating, when some countries (ie the UK and Australia) have places with exactly the same names (ie Newcastle, Horsham, Modbury) Soooooooooooo just wondering if all of us when adding information can we save some time and add a little more than 'Newcastle' to an entry because often I personally wont bother sending a message to a person when I know the country isnt right. I mwan for myself as an Aussie, I'd be prone to put Newcastle, NSW.. Hope that makes sense, sorry donmt mean to complain but wanting to make it easier and not waste others vaulable time when searching for that elusive relation we all have.. Kind regards Michelle Adelaide, SA |
Mhairi | Report | 7 Feb 2005 15:33 |
I do agree as I dont know how many people I have contacted about people they have in Armadale to find out their Armadale is in Australia..... My Armadale is in Scotland...... Sorry to all I have contacted in |
Paula | Report | 7 Feb 2005 15:53 |
fair enough on other sites like ancestry that are more international but this is a UK based site and I don't particulary want to go through my tree and enter Uk against everyones place of birth, although where i have relatives born in other countries i enter the country. |
Sandra | Report | 7 Feb 2005 16:19 |
i also don't want to put uk next to all mine, as this is an english site, like many others if its australia or usa then i put that next to it. happy hunting sandra |
Natalie | Report | 7 Feb 2005 16:28 |
I try and always put the county name next to each place, as then it's obvious which country it is in as well. Also helps where there are two places with the same name in England eg: Farnborough, Kent and Farnborough, Hampshire! That would solve the problem, without having to add UK to each name! Natalie |
Paula | Report | 7 Feb 2005 19:29 |
I put the county when its a town but if the place is a city eg Leicester where most of my ancestors are from, thats all i put as the county is Leicestershire so it not really worth noting the county. I know there is a Leicester in the USA but as i only upload my tree to this site i don't think there is any reason to put UK |
Peterkinz | Report | 7 Feb 2005 19:38 |
It may be a UK based site, but remember that a lot of us living in the colonies have English ancestors. Personally I try to put the country when it is not England, but there are some cases when I just don't know, so I leave them blank Peter |
Researching: |
Michelle | Report | 8 Feb 2005 02:11 |
Thanks for those who replied, and Kata, well for summer time it sure is bloody cold today...might have to go adopt me Ugg boots soon *lol* And anyways the Americans always told me they were the centre of the Universe *ducking in case* And I understand and wouldn't expect anyone to change what they have, plus I dont have the power, but if I did look out LOL...seriously though this site is more international than some realise and it's just an ask, not a must...thanks and have fun. |
♥♪ˇ Karen | Report | 8 Feb 2005 07:51 |
I agree.. these Poms seem to have copied lots of the names of our towns & cities !!! How unoriginal of them !!! LOL PS it was a scorcher here in NSW today....pushing 40 degrees Celsius |
Bobtanian | Report | 8 Feb 2005 08:18 |
I agree, its bad enough when there are several towns/ cities in the uk with the same name. Even the county would help. After all its only two extra letters........'UK'. This is after all an internet site......... |
Researching: |
maryjane-sue | Report | 8 Feb 2005 08:30 |
I use Legacy for my tree and upload it to GenesReU site and others - and now automatically type UK after the town and county - it just makes sense to add the country too.... after all, its very likely that people all over the world will come across one or more of your names when researching. I know from experience how frustrating it can be to click on a name and possible lead - only to find out its someone in Somerset USA or SA - just because they didnt add the country. What really gets my goat is abbreviations of English counties on sites like this one - and people enter either Yorks or Yorkshire, Lincs or Lincolnshire etc - and when you do a search for a name - you have to do it twice to pick up all the names. |
Angela | Report | 8 Feb 2005 08:48 |
I agree with you Michelle. I have often wondered whether people meant Perth Australia or Perth Scotland. There is more than a tiny bit of difference between the two!! |
Geoff | Report | 8 Feb 2005 09:20 |
Sue Just putting in "Linc" as the search place will find everyone in Lincs, Lincoln or Lincolnshire (or indeed, Plincworth, if there were such a place!) |