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nationalarchivist update about wills
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Val | Report | 7 Feb 2005 21:58 |
We have just uploaded the index for Wills and Administrations for The Court of Probate 1883 to the current online archive. You can now view indexes of English and Welsh Wills and Administrations from 1796 to 1883 Thought you would like to know if you are looking for wills |
Lynnette | Report | 7 Feb 2005 22:17 |
What is the address for the site please? |
Val | Report | 7 Feb 2005 22:26 |
The address is |
Patricia | Report | 7 Feb 2005 22:27 |
Google nationalarchivist and you'll find it. I think it is www.thenationalaerchivist.*co.*uk |
Lynnette | Report | 7 Feb 2005 22:29 |
Thank you. :) |
Val | Report | 7 Feb 2005 22:30 |
not other one |
Peter | Report | 7 Feb 2005 23:05 |
Just tried it and Wills says 'Coming soon.....' |
Val | Report | 8 Feb 2005 00:02 |
goes up to 1883 at moment |
Padkat | Report | 8 Feb 2005 00:06 |
Valerie I'm confused (it doesn't take a lot :) Why not Thats was I put after www.nationalarchivist. Kate |
Phoenix | Report | 8 Feb 2005 00:17 |
I think that the statement "indexes of... wills and administrations from 1796" is going to be slightly misleading. They can at best mean the estate duty copies of wills, presumably excluding those for Devon. Only estates over a certain value would be liable for estate duty, so there will be large numbers of wills and administrations that exist but are unlikely to be within this index. |
Val | Report | 8 Feb 2005 10:22 |
the email I got had com |
Patricia | Report | 8 Feb 2005 11:02 |
OK I went there from my favourites and it is com. But does no matter because if you put in co *uk it takes you there as well, they must own both and have co *uk redirected to com. |
Ellie | Report | 8 Feb 2005 11:37 |
Can anyone help? I know my ancestor William Bradbear died in the December quarter of 1852 in London, so have typed "Bradbear" and 1852 into nationalarchivist. Three pages of names come up under "PCC and Country Courts" and I have had to pay to view each page, none of which have the name Bradbear on at all. I have checked and re-checked. Some of the entries are obscured at the bottom of page 1, but the executors can be seen and although their surnames begin with BRA, none of them are Bradbear. Am I missing something? Thanks. |
Kate | Report | 8 Feb 2005 12:07 |
Eleanor - the entries are not exactly in alphabetical order, so it gave you the pages that the name would be on if it was there at all. You should also try the following year(s) in case it took a while for probate or administration to go through (especially as he died near the end of the year), because they are listed by year of grant not of death. Also, if his estate wasn't very big he probably won't be on there anyway, even if he left a will because if no death duty was payable it won't be on there. But you can also search for pre-1858 wills on the National Archives Documents Online and the search will be free, you only have to pay if you find a will and want to download it. Kate. |
Ellie | Report | 8 Feb 2005 12:11 |
Thanks, Kate. I've been through all three pages with a fine toothcomb and Bradbear is definitely not there. I will certainly try the following year, just in case. I have tried National Archives Documents Online and it isn't listed at all - which is why I was quite surprised that it appeared there WAS a Bradbear on nationalarchivist. Thanks for your help. Ellie |