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Queenie Report 15 Feb 2005 18:07

After getting nowhere trying to trace my grandfathers siblings, Taylors from Brading I.O.W., can anyone tell me if God parents are recorded officially when a child is christened/baptised. my children were given candles at theirs with the godparents names so thought perhaps they are recorded or will it vary from vicar to vicar.


Phoenix Report 15 Feb 2005 18:10

There is no space in the modern (post 1812) baptism registers for godparents. To our shame. none of us can remember who my goddaughter's godfather is, and we've no means of finding out.


Geoff Report 15 Feb 2005 18:24

In Catholic registers, a child has two 'Sponsors'.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 16 Feb 2005 10:11

On fiche at a nearby library, I have seen Cof E baptism records from 1980s or 90s with godparents names recorded. I haven't ever seen the names recorded in parish registers elsewhere., any era. What years are you looking for? Have you seen the Isle of Wight family history site?


Amanda Report 16 Feb 2005 12:10

amanda i live on the isle of wight can i be of any help? best wishes amandax


Rachel Report 16 Feb 2005 12:33

I have my christoning certificate but it only stats my name and the date i was christened on yet I know that i have 2 g_dfathers and a g_dmother. Each of my g_dparents marrital parteners is a g_dparent to my brother. We were both christend in a Unoted Reform Church but I don't recall there being any kind of register at my brothers christening. If I remember correctly troditionally Catholic children usually have 1 g_dmother and 1 g_dfather who will look after the child when their own parents can't. Rachel _ = o in the above text


Queenie Report 16 Feb 2005 20:10

My grandad was Cyril Leslie Taylor born 1914 Brading. His siblings were Sydney c1908, George c1910, Ivy or Joy c1912 and Harry definately 1917. Their parents were William and Ethel ( nee Allnutt). Any reletives of theirs would be brilliant or the God parents of my Dad, Robin James Taylor also Brading 1944. I was hoping tracking down god parents would open up the chances of finding at least one relative!!


Paula Report 16 Feb 2005 20:18

i've been reviewing parish records at Leicester and from the late 1920s onwards they seem to have space at the bottom for names of godparents so i suppose it can just vary from place to place Paula

was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 16 Feb 2005 20:35

I have seen Godparents listed for some of my relatives in parish records (Notts), who were born 1890's. Don't know whether this depended on individual vicar.


JosieByCoast Report 16 Feb 2005 21:56

Godparents names should be recorded in the original register but there won't be any other details of them. Unfortunately if the baptism record has been transcribed into a book the Godparents names often aren't. Bye the way modern register's [those we use today] do have space for 3 godparents names to be entered at least Church of England ones do.


Irene Report 16 Feb 2005 23:25

Amanda I have found a Marriage on freebmd for William James Taylor Ethel Ellen Allnut June qtr 1907 Isle of Wight vol 2b page 1193 If you send for the certificate that will give the fathers names. With luck you will have their ages or near. You will then be able to find where they were born. It may not have been the I of W. I had a look of 1901 and could only find 3 Ethel Allnutt and they weren't in I of W. Good Luck Irene


Irene Report 17 Feb 2005 00:17

Amanda I have found Ethel Ellen Allnutt's birth in the I of W Mar qtr 1887 I of Wight vol 2b page 591. I do think you will have to get the marriage certificate as there are a lot of William James and to find him you will need a father to make sure you have the right one. If you are trying to trace his other children do you mean if they have married and had children and did they still live on the I of Wight. For that you may need to go to the I of W and look at the Elec Roll books. Chances are that they are no longer around but their children maybe Irene


Queenie Report 17 Feb 2005 15:44

Got Ethel and Williams marriage and Ethels birth. She was on the IOW census for 1901 under Alhnitt, nearly Allnutt! Checked out IOW fam hist site but so many Taylors. I think like alot of people I seem to be the only one in my family doing research. Thanks


Darren Report 17 Feb 2005 15:54

I was trawling baptism records in Middlesbrough for 9 family members from 1918 to 1929 and found all had recorded the godparents names.


Queenie Report 17 Feb 2005 15:58

This whole family history would be so much easier if family would tell you things you know they know! But where would the fun be in that